

英語 高校生

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Play and art are alike in that both activities appear superficially at any rate>to lack the compulsion associated with biological necessity. We seem not to have to play in order to survivé; nor are we obviously compelled to paint pictures, compose music, or sculpt statues. Although one can imagine that a man might be forced by S. another to create sómething, it is generally true that art is a voluntary activity, and that creativity_flourishes best (in the absence of compulsion. The same is true óf play. \For, although one might compel a child to play a game\against his will, the game will straightaway lose one of the characteristics)that makes(it play. If it is accepted that both play and art are essentiarty voluntary, it follows that both are generally( 2 )activites. | Although games. can be turned into ways of makinga living by those who are particularly skilful players, (hey do not originate in this way. Although creative productionv may turn out to be financially rewarding, men do not primarily engage in it for the sake of financial gain. Both games and werks,of art stand somewhat outside the ordinary course of life, and 'do not appear to be associated with the immediate satisfaction of wants and appetites. The idea that a novelist, for example, could sit down and write a popular romance for cash with her tongue in her cheek is almost certainly( 3 ).

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英語 高校生

間違っていれば教えていただきたいです! 空欄補充など よくわかりませんでした。 問1で ⑴⑵ どちらでも良さそうなのですが、なぜ正解でない方はだめなんですか? まだ続きがあるのですが、写真が3枚までしか載せられないので、続きも見てくださる方は ‘続きも可 ’的にコメント... 続きを読む

hilosophers ave long_thonght<@bout the distinction [petweel humans animals> The_common yiew js lthat the ability<to thinlp js what て( umans and animals。 The French philosopher Ren6 Descarte who ia considered the father<6f modern phiosophw )arkued [that s animals can imitate, jmrman scdone]but they sannet came_ ae Giierwey( Da ls have Ge sbi repeat 説計るithe sftnet tey y hear, they do 人 I YO ror taow pytet 中 ey ae aingl IThe simple reaity<をhat amimam cannot 6 (omannteee。 (tith nyappears to support (he above_argument A lot of em researchC however。) suggests, Mthat 下 many animals have ttf lemotional landl oo語人Yer om reities。 ] Such research、 indicates that aome amimals have emoGonal_reacions、 <o their tving Eoy and some animals even 時 monatrate awerftul amotimaL hondsi other members<of > |their species>85 LM family memhery(Greorer) tt has also_become ro dlear khat some animals hav de 06jNy4Oeeoi Given (hese fimndings, it se oneh [reetne_anmas we important.| A number<of people h め heve long mved ha umans should show 人 交半om 4oward animal (Im recent decedes) some have ame animals actually have( ⑥ (し @ Xehat should be respeted> (For example) RmmeWHPPDETI了PT 員 sbased on KT

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