

英語 中学生


ead and Think 2 w Words tion [1] (s) 2] [vizitər(z)] n(s) DI S (s) BEY d) 続いて、レポーターがとなり町の若葉市の外国人支援の取り組みを紹介しています ? What did Wakaba City have yesterday? coming Every year, more and more foreign people are to live in Japan. The number of tourists visiting Japan is growing, too. Many of them don't know what to do in an earthquake. It's necessary for us to be prepared to help them. Wakaba City had an evacuation drill for foreign In the drill, they residents and visitors yesterday. experienced some simulations and learned how they can protect themselves. They followed instructions given in English and easy Japanese. The city handed out an evacuation map made by Wakaba Junior High School students. The map uses simple symbols and pictures. It shows people where they should go in a disaster. We interviewed some students at the school. One said, “We're glad to help foreign people. It's important for everyone to help each to help each other and work together." Yesterday was a good start. Everyone should be prepared. ey followed instructions given in English. [144 words] pp.82-83 Grammar 3 過去分詞 過去分詞は, すぐ前の名詞を後 ろから修飾して, 「...される [さ れた] (名詞)」と情報を加える。 Round 4つのパ 第1 第2 第 第 Rou 本文

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