

英語 高校生

この長文の解答を教えてほしいです! 自分の解答に自信がないのでよろしくお願いします

Questions 4-7 refer to the following letter. January 10 Ms. Erin Murphy Customer Service Department Westcoast Airlines Major Miles Program 345 Brook Street Dallas, TX 75218 sending y you my Dear Ms. Murphy, 6. itinerary and ticket number for my recent roundtrip flight from JFK International Airport to As per your request (during our telephone conversation on January 8, I am s business class with a Major Miles Gold Class voucher and should therefore be eligible for Los Angeles International Airport last December. Please note that my ticket was upgraded to full business class mileage credit. 1 my mileage credi I am a Gold member in the Major Miles program and have been a Westcoast customer for over 15 years. I must that voucher pla genuinely confusing. I fail to understand why the burden of proof for rests with me. Shouldn't this information be on your ticketing computer? Wnb This was my itinerary. Departed JFK, December 22 at 10:20 for LAX Returned to JFK from LAX on December 29 at 16:40 My ticket number was #YB42565697. My seat number was 14B. My Major Miles number is # 04356721 (Gold Card). I sincerely hope that this issue will be resolved quickly as I am counting on my miles earned during this trip to upgrade my hotel room next May. Thank you very much for your attention in this matter. Sincerely Yours, arred Watkins rrod Watkins ection II 読解 4. 5. Wh (A) (B) (C (D W (A ( C

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英語 高校生のなぜ答えがその番号になるか、日本語訳を教えてほしです!

0 fetchea 6口47. WhaD )me wWas that Jane didn't even say hello when she saw me. O struck Lserike n過E 2 struck at ③ struck on のwould strike 「(慶鷹大) 口48. It's a pity that quite a few Japanese women ((1 ) their jobs when they get married. イドをや。 49. The kids jn the train wěre really noisy. I couldn't ( 0) it. D end up 特 んでんる (2 quit き 3 retire/Apo WitháraM bgeur (センター試験) quit jo6 a 1 stand 2 stay ③ state 4) start ol (産能大) ○口 50. The earthquake created a tremendous sea wave, which soon ( ) the island. O defeated 2 hit ③ broke aO fought (昭和女子大) 35- 口51. Each of the wrestlers ( ③) over 100kg. Dis weigh 2 is weight 3weighs のweights (センター試験) 口52. You should (2 )a dictionary when you are not sure of the meaning of a new word. D consult with 2 consult (ま動3 look up 4 look after one ori, (西南学院大) ので O口 53. I have only five thousand yen to (3)me for the rest of the month. D enable 2 follow no 4 make Hola y (日本大) ior Is S) ③ last 口54. Mother:Jimmy ? Boy: Yes ? Mother: Please ( om 1orh lle ) the front yard before dinner. (1 water 2 put water 3 have water (4 scatter water (青山学院大) OL55. I cannot imagine ( 3) about a book. D you to be so exciting 2 for you to be so excited 3 you being so excited 4 for you to be so exciting (上智大) 0U56. Your quick response to our request would be ()). 0 obliged 2 appreciated ③ thankful の pleased (南山大) 57. I had left a present for her at my house, so she waited for me whileI() )it. 3 lost ② missed の neglected (同志社大) 58. The train was ( (3) ) bya heavy snowfall. O postponed の 3 delayed gur-D adjourned 4% ② cancelled (慶鷹大) 59. The price of the stock ( 0 ) by half in less than a month. ② spoiled のmissed (同志社大) 3 lost eでエれて言ってた昨定 → に合れてだし、 3) attract 0 declined 口60. This work doesn't ( pay ). (1 cost ② deserve の pay (西南学院大) O口61.I wonder what the bill would ( ) to. (2 he 3 bring (4) come (日本大)

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

70の問題の回答がなぜDになるのかが分かりません。 因みにTOEICのリスニング問題のPart3です。

68. Who is the man? M It's such a pleasure to finally meet you, Olivia. As coordinator of this year's international trade conference, thank you for Transportation modes and how they can affect your supply chain"(B) An event coordinator accepting our invitation to lead one of our sessions. Saturday, November 19 10:00 am - 12:00 pm (A) An expert in international trade Sponsored by Dupree Logistics - Drew Flint, Senior Partner (C) A trade representative (D) An owner of an agency Room 101 W The pleasure is mine, Ruben. Our agency is always happy to have representatives 12:00 Noon - 1:15 pm 69. What has the woman agreed to do? (A) Lead a conference session (B) Conduct an interview (C) Schedule an appointment (D) Accept a new position Lunch participate in your conference. Witon Hotel - Wolfgang Puck's Spoon M As requested by your assistant, Jamie, your session has been scheduled for the afternoon of November 19. Ilf you check the schedule, you will see the title of your presentation listed in the last time slot on that day. 1:30 am - 3:00 pm 「Asia: A strategic approach to effectively developing and executing your Asian marketing plan" Sponsored by Blackbox Associates - Olivia Ingersol, Chief 70. Look at the graphic, Who does the woman Operating Officer Room 102 work for? 3:15 pm - 4:00 pm Closing Ceremony Wisconsin Center Ballroom (A) DuPree Logistics (B) The Witon Hotel (C) Wolfgang Puck's Spoon (D) Blackbox Assodiates W Thank you very much, and I'l see you at the conference.

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英語 高校生

CROWN English expression IのP99,101,103です。答えを書いた紙を失くしてしまったので教えていただきたいです🙇‍♂️よろしくお願いします!

あなたがタイムマシーンに乗って会いに行きたい人物について、 下線部分を言い換えて話しましょう。 1 Fill in each blank with a suitable word. ろ Da) We don't have enough money to take a taxi. b) If we had enough money, we ( omg )a taxi. 2a) As she was in a hurry, she lost her train pass. pass「定期券」 b) If she hadn't been in a hurry, she wouldn't ( ) her train pass. 3a) As I didn't set my alarm, I overslept this morning. ●oversleep 「寝過ごす」 b) IfI( )my alarm, I wouldn't have overslept this morning. 4 a)Iam sorry that, we don't have our own school bus. b)Iwish we ( ) our own school bus. 2 Put the words in parentheses in the correct order. T 1もっと時間があったら、より安くてすむ高速バスで行ったのだが。 (had / had / I/if/more time), I would have taken a cheaper expressway bus. もう1時間寝ていられればなあ。 (could / I/I/in bed / stay/wish) for another hour. 3子供の頃に、ピアノを習い始めていたらなあ。 (had/I/I/1learn / started / to / wish) the piano in my childhood. 3 Complete the sentences. 1私があなたなら、次の電車に間に合うように駅まで走るだろう。 IfI were you, to catch the next train. 2あの日、天気がよかったら、 秋の紅葉(autumn colors)を楽しめただろう。●on that day 「あの日に」 we could have enjoyed the autumn colors. ③ 最終バスに間に合っていたら、家まで歩かずにすんでいただろう。 IfI had caught the last bus, ④私たちの学校が、駅からもっと近ければなあ。 Iwish 4 Put the Japanese sentences into English. 0もし僕が君だったら、 学校まで自転車で行くだろう。 2 もっと熱心に勉強していたら、 その試験に受かっていたかもしれない。 3雪が降っていなかったら、 電車は時間通りに来ただろう。 ●on time 「時間通りに」 急行(the express trains) が、この駅に停まったらよいのになあ。 ndo do :-

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人


) without an overcoat. (帝塚山学院大) It is warm here in winter. I can ( 0 do 2 hold ③ keep ④ bear し (3) 幸福は財産の多さにはない。(高知大) Happiness does not consist ( 2 at 3 of ④ in ) how many possessions you own. 0 on (3) 4 ) for this error. (中央大) (4) It's very hard to ( 0 make ② look ③ acount ④ take デ大) (4)と3 (5) That coat doesn't ( O go with )your shoes. (南山大) 3 suit for 4 fit at 2 match to 2 (6) The car crash ( 0 carried )in the death of three people. (南山大) caused 3 resulted ④ eliminated (6)_3 (7) Although he was drunk, he insisted ( 2 in ③ to ④ for ) driving. (北海道工業大) 0 on (7) 1 (8) 彼女の推測は正しいことがわかった。(専修大) Her guess turned ( 0 off 2 out ③ at ④ in ) to be right. 2 (路面が)凍結していたために多くの事故が起こった。 (専修大) Many accidents resulted ( 0 in 2 on ) the icy conditions. 3 for の from 1(10) The total fee for the summer course ( many classes you take. (中央大) O leans on ② depends on ③ counts on ④ relies on (10) (11)I certainly agree ( )you on this point. (駒淫大) ① with ② at ③ in ④ for ートフォン 、( を手に入れた。 (12)「すみません, このジャケットが気に入りました。 試着してもいいですか」 「もちろんです」 2 (愛知学院大) )?""Sure." “Excuse me, I like this jacket. May I try it ( 0 on 2 for ③ off ④ in (12) (13) そのスキャンダルの結果, 2人の大臣が辞任した。(中央大) The scandal ( O brought 2 led ③ took ④ made ) to the resignation of two ministers. (13) 2(14)1 ran ( ) one of my old friends on my way back home. (摂南大) 0 through ② out ③ away ④ into (14) _7 4

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人


Questions 5-7 refer to the following letter. a new member to the club To welcome confirm To | continued membership Mr. Leonardo Harper 571-45 Heiligenstàdter Street Vienna 1190 の) December 15 Dear Mr. Harper, Thank you for your continued support of the North Vienna Concert Hall We are writing to confirm receipt on December 14 of your North Vienna Club membership renewal payment for next year. Alnterviews with musicians To celebrate our 30 year anniversary, we are happy to announce some new special benefits for club members. Starting next year, club members can receive a 10% discount on any concert held during the first three months of the year. Call our ticket office at 1-5123098 and use the promotional code CZ1713 when you order your tickets. Please note that discounts only apply to pre-orders placed during this special period. IC) Commentaries on 0 The concert schedule performances As always, members will receive our monthly magazine, North Vienna Club, which features concert reviews and interviews with various artists and musicians, together with news and schedules of all of the events at the concert hall. Next month's issue will feature a six-page interview with the world famous conductor Franz Minsky. Once again, we thank you for being a North Vienna Club member and for supporting arts and music in our community. Sincerely, Roy Pophins Roy Hopkins Director North Vienna Concert Hall の の)

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