

英語 高校生

エンパワー2 レッスン20 答えわかる方お願いします💦

dy in they my uld ンク Practice 1 Fill in the blanks and complete the sentences. 1. He lived in London for a year. He talks ( )( ) he ( ) all about that city. 彼は1年間ロンドンに住んでいました。 彼はまるでその町のすべてを知っているかのように話します。 ) I ( ) a chance to live abroad, too. 2. I( 私も海外に住む機会があればいいのになあ. eelarox3 weive 3. With that kind of opportunity, my life ( )( そのような機会があれば、 私の生活は今よりもっと楽しいでしょうに、 4. If I ( ) ( ) a high school student, I (1) ( starting from tomorrow. もし私が高校生でなかったら, 明日から外国に行って生活するでしょうに. ) happier than it is now. 2 Change the words to the appropriate form and complete the sentences. 1. I wish my friend (lend) me this magazine about studying abroad a year ago. 友だちがこの留学についての雑誌を1年前に貸してくれていたらよかったのになあ. 3. If I (study) abroad last year, my English (will improve). 去年留学していたら,私は英語が上達していたでしょうに LESSON 2. If I (read) this magazine, I (will know) about this overseas study program earlier. もしこの雑誌を読んでいたら, もっと早くこの留学プログラムについて知っていたでしょう。 ) and live abroad ~しようと思う think of doing ~を専攻する major in ~ 3 This is a reply giving advice to the email presented at the beginning of this lesson. Put the Japanese parts of the passage into English. Genre dars id sort stof Dear Yumi. gute oni Your parents are right. Think of the advantages of studying abroad. I studied in Italy for a year. ① もしこの経験がなかったら、私は大学で美術史を専攻しようと思わなかったでしょ う. ②もしこのチャンスを逃したら、 あなたは後でそれを後悔するでしょう。 In the future, you may ask yourself, “③ もしあのとき留学していたら、私の人生はもっとわくわくするもの になっていただろうに.” ④ もし私があなただったら、このチャンスを逃さないでしょう. Best wishes, Emma ~を逃す miss Your Turn A Make a pair and ask your partner the following questions. 1. If you had a chance to study abroad, where would you like to go? 2. If you studied abroad, what would you miss the most about Japan? B Based on the dialog above, write a passage about where you would like to go if you had a chance to study abroad and what you would miss the most about Japan. 55 PARTI

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英語 高校生

EMPOWER Ⅱ Lesson20の答えわかる方お願いします💦

in ey Py d 雪 Practice 1 Fill in the blanks and complete the sentences. 1. He lived in London for a year. He talks ( )( ) he ( ) all about that city. 彼は1年間ロンドンに住んでいました。彼はまるでその町のすべてを知っているかのように話します。 ) I ( 2. I ( 私も海外に住む機会があればいいのになあ. ) a chance to live abroad, too. 3. With that kind of opportunity, my life ( ) ( そのような機会があれば、私の生活は今よりもっと楽しいでしょうに. ) ( 4. If I ( ) a high school student, I ( ) ( starting from tomorrow. もし私が高校生でなかったら,明日から外国に行って生活するでしょうに. ) happier than it is now. 2 Change the words to the appropriate form and complete the sentences. 1. I wish my friend (lend) me this magazine about studying abroad a year ago. 友だちがこの留学についての雑誌を1年前に貸してくれていたらよかったのになあ. LESSON 2. If I (read) this magazine, I (will know) about this overseas study program earlier. もしこの雑誌を読んでいたら, もっと早くこの留学プログラムについて知っていたでしょう。 3. If I (study) abroad last year, my English (will improve). 去年留学していたら、 私は英語が上達していたでしょうに. ~しようと思う think of doing ) and live abroad ~を専攻する major in ~ 3 This is a reply giving advice to the email presented at the beginning of this lesson. Put the Japanese parts of the passage into English. Genre Dear Yumi. Your parents are right. Think of the advantages of studying abroad. I studied in Italy for a year. ⓘ もしこの経験がなかったら、 私は大学で美術史を専攻しようと思わなかったでしょ う. ②もしこのチャンスを逃したら, あなたは後でそれを後悔するでしょう. In the future, you may ask yourself, “③ もしあのとき留学していたら、 私の人生はもっとわくわくするもの になっていただろうに.” ④ もし私があなただったら, このチャンスを逃さないでしょう. Best wishes, Emma ~を逃す miss ← Your Turn A Make a pair and ask your partner the following questions. 1. If you had a chance to study abroad, where would you like to go? 2. If you studied abroad, what would you miss the most about Japan? 20 B Based on the dialog above, write a passage about where you would like to go if you had a chance to study abroad and what you would miss the most about Japan. 55 PARTI

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英語 高校生


pp.26-27 えんだ) pp.8.11 でいる ) ・続ける る場合 30 ) 補 1 各文の主語(S)には (1) Tom spoke slowly. (2) I walk with my dogs along the river. (3) The library opens at 10 o'clock. (4) Yesterday my sister played with her doll. (5) I go to school by bus. (1) I walk (2) My favorite dish broke (3) The concert starts 12 (4) We started EXERCISES (5) This magazine sells (6) She sold j ② 意味の通る英文になるように, AとBの点を線で結びなさい。 A (1) Nancy ( (2) Bill ( (3) Your explanation ( (4) This steak ( (5) She ( 3 [ ] の日本語を参考に、下の 成させなさい。 BE-TE 99 動詞 (V)には tus&SORT ) a musicianod 英語の語順 ① 810*** SERIKA ) good. ) very happy. を引きなさい。 ułodaw sizi wa Dweg variel (M ● Juada a sve trbuod radiom yM well in big cities. 3008-32 • my dogs every morning. (stic bill in the church at 7:00. . VaR MOOVP-T |内から動詞を1回ずつ選び、 適切な形にして、 英文を完 (A+101) yud (A+ o) Lavig ) right. smell / be / feel / look/become Loes&SKAA] Ewig sad yesterday. [悲しそうな顔をしていた] B the meeting. · her guitar last month. in two. atqulq 11 yud dow airl svg medial [ミュージシャンになった] [説明は正しい] [いいにおいがする ] [とても幸せな気分だった] @TN 50 (4) (a textbook / the teacher / on the desk/put). salenu bod obro (84) stem and ● 4 意味の通る英文になるように,( )内の語句を並べかえ, 全文を書きなさい。 (1) (broke/computer / he/ his). (2) (Chinese food / do / like / you ) ? (3) (news/heard / pleasant / some / Kenta). 4 目十両+ 9 ygged am absm sile in O IM mid Has ayewis Was av Dove 001+ 5 日本語に合うように)内の語句を並べかえ, 全文を書きなさい。 また, 完成した英文の文 型をS,V,O,C を使って答えなさい。 20 L 01 00028 amber 5H (g) )、21indo (1) 兄と私はその新しいテーブルをキッチンへ運んだ。 (the new table / my brother and I / into / carried / the kitchen). 0078 (0) Tudo G 1) indo si she (2) その作家の新しい小説はおもしろそうだ。 (looks / the writer's / interesting/ new novel). 文型

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英語 高校生

問3について質問です。 当方、全くいい案が浮かばなかったのですが、皆さんがこのような英作文に当たったらどう対処しますか❓ 具体例としてはニホンカワウソやツシマヤマネコ、トキ、コウノトリが挙げられるようですが私はどの生き物も英語で書けません。(/ω\*) ちなみに私はホ... 続きを読む

次の英文を読み, 設問に答えなさい。 Jaguars had called the American Continents their home since the Ice Age when their ascendents crossed the Bering Land Bridge that once joined what is now Alaska and Russia. They lived in the central mountains of the southwestern United States for hundreds of years until they were almost driven to extinction in the mid- 20th century after hunters shot the last one in the 1960s. Currently, jaguars are found in 19 different countries. Several males have been observed in Arizona and New Mexico over the last 20 years, but breeding pairs have not been seen or reported north of Mexico. Natural reestablishment of them is also unlikely because of urbanization and the U.S.-Mexico border blocking jaguar migration routes. Now, after more than a 50-year absence, conservation scientists are suggesting the jaguar's return to their native environment in a study that outlines what the rewilding effort may look like. The authors of the new paper suggest a suitable area for jaguars spanning 2 million acres from central Arizona to New Mexico. The space would provide a big enough range for 90 to 150 jaguars, the researchers explained. They also argued that bringing jaguars back to the U.S. is crucial to species conservation as they are listed as near-threatened on the IUCN Red List, and reintroduction could also help restore native ecosystems, the Associated Press reports. "The jaguar lived in these mountains long before Americans did. If done

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英語 高校生

この問題、自分で読んでも全く内容が分からなかったのですがわかる方いらっしゃいますか?? ターゲット1900の単語だけだと足りませんか? また、文法はどのくらいのレベルでしょうか。参考書で教えていただけると助かります。 よければ問題の解説もお願いしたいです。 時間がある方どう... 続きを読む

Ⅰ. 次の英文を読んで、下の間に答えよ。 Early in the pandemic, Julie Van Rosendaal started to notice something (1) about the butter she was using in her cooking and baking. It seemed harder than it used to be. Van Rosendaal has a food blog (2) DinnerWith.Julie.com. She talks about food on CBC radio and writes about it in magazines and newspapers. Before, when she left butter out of the fridge, it used to go soft; it was easy to spread on bread. (3) these days, she noticed that if she wanted soft butter, she had to put it in the microwave. If she used it right out of the cupboard, it would tear holes in her bread. Was her kitchen too chilly? Or had something about Canadian butter changed? On Feb. 5, Van Rosendaal posted her suspicions on social media. More than a thousand people on Facebook and hundreds on Twitter commented that they had been noticing the ( 4 ) thing. The answer seems to be that Canadian dairy cows, which produce the milk that is made into Canadian butter, (5) likely being fed more palm oil fats in their feed than before, XV As more people began doing more baking and bread making during the pandemic, the demand for butter went up. Using palm fats in livestock feed can increase the amount of milk cows produce, which helps farmers to meet the increased demand for ( 6 ). Some people don't want palm fats in their diet, because they say it isn't heart-healthy. (7) say it changes the taste and texture of

未解決 回答数: 1
英語 中学生


74 教科書 p.47-53 Lesson ④ 文法のまとめ 基本表現のまとめ -Part-1 関係代名詞の文(主格の who) DO Oda Mikio was an athlete who won a gold medal. Part2 関係代名詞の文(主格の which [that]) De I have a magazine which has many photos. Part 3 関係代名詞の文 (目的格) □ The book that you gave me was interesting. The □ (2) あそこで走っている子どもたちを見なさい。 Look at the □ (3) 中国語が話せる生徒をごぞんじですか。 Do you know a (4) 一生懸命練習する選手が勝つでしょう。 The 確認問題 1 次の日本文の意味を表すように,空所に適する語を書きなさい。 □(1) 昨夜私を訪ねてきた少女はユカリです。 音声を聞いて、表現を音読する 意味を確認する □ 教科書 | p.47-49 織田幹雄は金メダルを取ったスポーツ選手です。 □ 教科書 | p.50-51 私は写真のたくさん載っている雑誌を持っています。 □教科書 | p.52-53 あなたのくれた本はおもしろかったです。 I'm in the □ (2) 父は1990年にドイツでつくられたカメラを持っています。 My father has a □(3) 博物館がある町に住んだことはありますか。 Have you ever lived in a □ (4) ジョンは泳げるイヌを飼っています。 John has a PA 2 次の日本文の意味を表すように, 空所に適する語を書きなさい。 □ (1) 私は大きい窓のある部屋にいます。 (4) I couldn't answer the question. (The man asked it.) me last night is Yukari. ■(3) Have you eaten the cake yet? (She made it yesterday.) hard will win. running "over there. *over there あそこに speak Chinese? a big window. (2) I'll give some books to my brother. (I finished reading them.) 3 次の文の下線部のあとに that を用いて( )内の説明を加え, 全文を書きなさい。 □(1) The bus arrived late. (He took it this morning.) swim. RO made in Germany in 1990. a museum? 30 1 次の文の( )内から適するものを選び, 記号で答えなさい。 ウ she) is singing a song is Maya. イ which ウit) was sold at that store.. ウ who) was sent from Canada. イ she is wearing イ which made イ which (1) The girl (ア who (2) I bought a bike (ア who (3) She got a letter(アit イ that (4) The dress (ア who is wearing (5) Ⅰate a cake (ア that made ウ that wearing) is nice. ウ made) by Jane. 2 次の英文を日本文にしなさい。 (1) My mother will buy a computer which is useful for her work. ( (2) You have to use a dictionary that has many words. ( (3) I'm looking for someone who can play the violin. ( (4) She was surprised at the news her friends told her. ( ③ 次の日本文の意味を表すように、()内の語(句) を並べかえなさい。 □(1) 彼女は助けが必要な子どもたちの世話をしています。 (care / she/who/takes/the children/help/need/of) . □ (2) 私はたくさんの写真が載っている本を読んでいます。 (pictures/I'm/ a book / that/ a lot of /has / reading ). □ (3) 田中先生が昨日私たちに出した宿題は終わりましたか。 (homework / you / done/yesterday/have/Mr. Tanaka/gave/your /us )? □ (4) あの建物はこの都市でいちばん大きな図書館です。 (which / that building/alibrary/in/biggest/is/is/ the / this city ) . 4 次の日本文を英文にしなさい。 □ (1) メダルを獲得した少女は14歳です。 (who を使って) □ (2) あれはいろいろな野菜を売っている店です。 (which を使って) 口 (3) 私は知っている何もかもあなたにお話しします。 (that を使って) 75 □(4) 私が昨夜テレビで見た映画はわくわくするものでした。 (関係代名詞を使わずに) ) )

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