

英語 高校生

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22:17 9月18日 (月) + |Grammar in Context 7 Complete the conversation about Miki's dream. Miki: Hi, Mr. Lance. Guess what! My parents あ this winter. [私が今年の冬に留学するのを許してくれた] Mr. Lance: I'm happy to hear that! That's been your dream, right? Miki: Yes. I kept asking them and they finally agreed to . [私をカナダに行かせてくれることに同意した] 8 Complete the sentences based on the Japanese ones. 3 I will go to an English language school in Vancouver for two weeks. Mr. Lance: Sounds good. You will Surely [きっとすばらしい時間を過ごせる] all items are 50% off. The restaurant ① people at a time, so you @ your friend to ① allowed me to study abroad 00 mast come Dear customers We are delighted to announce that our new restaurant is opening tomorrow. On the first day is large enough to let me go to Canada have a great time. to our restaurant tomorrow. hold 60 get a table. Please tell お客様各位 私たちの新しいレストランが明日開店することを発表できてうれしく思います。 初日は全品半額です。 レスト ランは一度に60人を収容するのに十分な広さがあり, きっとお席がございます。 ぜひご友人に明日私たちの レストランに来てくれるようにお伝えください。 ② 98% ・・・

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

答えがないので正誤判定お願いしたいです。ちなみに、オレンジで囲ってるのが私の回答です。 最後(11)丸をし忘れましたが答えは2番にしました。 それとオレンジで囲ってみにくくなった英単語などは隣または近くに書きましたが,わからないとこあれば指摘ください。

⑤ 空欄の入る最も適切なものを選択肢から1つ選びなさい。 (1) What nobody would ( ) suggest is that women be told to stay at home dare (2) Scientits reported that monkeys had been seen ( V S use (複数扱 (3) The police ) the murder case at the moment. are investigating investigate may (5) You can avoid ( &n having M (7) My wife and I ( fear to be taking advantage of 2 have used 3 to aking advantage of by (6) I like watching Star Wars movies, but I ( had to cancel (4) I don't know where their wedding i going to be held, but if they decide on Kyoto, I definitely ( ) go. Zwill (9) Soccer ( (10) It ( 2 might has been got to know (8) All trains stopped (y s stopped (yesterday (11) I'd rather ( had to have 3 hope 2 had cancelled ) keeping yourself well informed and taking a few safety precautions. being taken advantage of by and the meeting ( 2 should well for you not to go out ) some simple tools just as human beings do. using Investigates ) so late at night.. ) each other since we were in high school) have been knowing 3 hay known 3 need 3 will be having 4 being taken advantage by ) enough of them by the time this one ends. wish C had to be cancelled 4 to using IS Ad 4 investigating can well ) be the world's most popular sport: however, baseball is more popular in the US may well ) a few days before we know the full results of the medical checkup. should have been 3 was you didn't go out willl have had 4 know had been to cancel 4 must well will be

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