

英語 中学生

本日、投稿し直します! 今日こそ、これを教えてくれる人、来て~!(ガチでへるぷみー)

【7】 次の英文の空所に入る適切な単語 (前置詞) を書きなさい。 Most of us are interested ( ) science. He is very good ( at ) speaking English. Suma is famous ( ) its beautiful beach. Wine is made ( The top of the mountain is covered He is looking forward ( We were much surprised ( I got a letter written ( Please take ( (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 次は、 前置詞の穴埋め問題 ・・・ 覚えた連語や文法が役立ちます (6) (7) (8) (9) ) grapes. (10) The basket is full ( (11) They don't work ( (12) These shoes are too big ( (13) I can swim fastest ( (14) Tom read books about Japanese (15) I usually drink coffee ( (16) This desk is made ( (17) Ken is very fond ( (18) Yuki takes care ( (19) My mother was born ( (20) Don't be late ( (21) How ( (22) Arisa took part ( (23) It is difficult ( (24) Why were you absent ( ( (25) I have lived in Nagoya (26) His name was known ( (27) Thank you very much ( (28) Have you ever been ( (29) February is ( (30) Tuesday comes ( (31) ( ) seeing ) English. ) your shoes when you enter a house in Japan. ) beautiful flowers. ) Sundays. ) ) snow. you. ) the news. ) me. ) all the boys. history ( ) sugar. ) wood. ) listening to rock music. ) this cat. ) school. ) taking a walk around here ? ) morning till night. ) January 28th, 1975. ) the festival last year. me to get up early. ) school yesterday? ) a long time. I must finish this English homework ( ) everyone. ) inviting me to the party. ) Singapore ? ) January and March. ) Monday. ) next Monday.

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英語 高校生


3 3 [] [] ーロコ 2023 推薦 公募制推薦入試A・B 【適性検査】 文系学部 公募制推薦入試 A・B 文系学部 Ⅰ 次の英文の 選びなさい。 (1) This cheese is made ( a. about b. from c. one d. to b. between c. by d. of (2) Sally is very good () teaching tennis: she is one of the best coaches in the tennis school (3)( a. Economics b. Education C History d. Politics (4) English is a ( it. a. careless b. major c. partial d. regional ) is the area of study that is concerned with teaching and learning. (9) My father ( swimming instead. a. ought to b. should c. used to d. will a 内に入れるのにもっとも適当なものをa~dの中から1つ so as b so that C such as d. such that 00) Nowadays, millions of robots are used in various fields ( manufacture and the health industry b. in case goat's milk. n からできている C unless d. whether ) international language: people around the world speak 01) Daniel could not dance, but he pretended ( lessons. -1- ) play baseball when he was young. Now, he enjoys a, almost nothing b. as far as I know c. quite wrong d. what is called 12 Student A: Do you think you can use dictionaries in Ms. Benson's exam? ). I intend use this one. Student B: Yes, ( ) car -3- ) he had taken dance 推 (5) According to recent research, female elephants ( in the family. a. care b c. play d. sing (6) This airline allows their passengers ( them. a. of taking on b. take on c. taken on d. to take on 推 nurse (7) The sign says that () from here, that rock looks like a lion. a saw b. see C seeing d. seen (13) a. however b. wherever c. whichever d. whoever (8) Here are two different kinds of cake. You can choose ( want. I'll have the other. Mr. Tanaka ( a. Bye, for now. b. How do you do? c. It's been nice talking with you. d. What do you do? -21 00 A: I like Japanese culture. (15) ) two pieces of baggage with Ms. Davis: Excuse me. Are you Mr. Tanaka? I'm Annabel Davis. Nice to meet you. ) an important ) I'm glad to meet you. B:( ) I think Kabuki is wonderful. a. I am, too. b. Neither do I. c. So do L d. That's unlikely. c. one d. too Server: Would you like coffee or tea? Customer Actually, I'd like ( a both b, either ) one you ). Tea with my meal and coffee after

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英語 高校生


D 助動詞 + have + 過去分詞 10. Ⅰ should have checked the email address before sending. 送信する前にメールアドレスを確認するべきだった。 11. She might have sent the message to the wrong person. 彼女は間違った人にメッセージを送ってしまったかもしれない。 解説 10. should have done は「~すべきだったのに(しなかった)」という意味を表す。 主語がとweのときは後悔を、 それ以外のときは非難の気持ちを表すことが多い。 11. might have done は「~したかもしれない。 〜だったかもしれない」という意味で、過去のことについて現在の 推量を表す。 may よりも might の方が確信度は低い。 GRAMMAR EXERCISES NARU HODO 1 日本語を参考に, ( )内に適切な語を入れ、 英文を完成させましょう。A (1) 私は明日までにこれらの本を図書館に返さなければならない。 I ( must ) ( be (2) あなたは誰に対しても嘘をついてはいけません。 You ( must (3) 私は今度の土曜に地域の会合に出席しなければならない。 I've ( must ) ( (4) あなたは毎日犬の散歩をしなければなりませんか。 ( Do ) you ( hove ) these books to the library by tomorrow. )tell a lie to anybody. attend a community meeting next Saturday. ) walk your dog every day? 内に適切な語を入れ, 英文を完成させましょう。 B C 2 日本語を参考に (1) ぐっすり眠りたいならコーヒーを飲みすぎるべきではない。 You ( ought ) not ( not (2) 体調が戻るまでゆっくりすべきです。 You ( had ) ( (3) 今日は、傘を持って行った方が良いですよ。 You'd ( had ) ( better (4) 夕食時に私の父が言ったことは本当かもしれない。 be What my father said at dinner (may (5) 留学することは私の人生を変えるチャンスになる可能性があります。 Studying abroad (c ) ( ) drink too much coffee if you want to sleep well better) it easy until you're feeling better. ) your umbrella with you today. true ) a chance to change my life. (青山学院大学改)

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