

英語 中学生


4 次の各問いに答えなさい。 Ⅰ 次の対話文は、中学生のエミ (Emi) とグリーン先生 (Mr. Green) が エミのクラスの職 業体験参加表を見ながら話しているときのものです。 表と対話文をもとにして、(①) ~ ( ⑤ )に入る最も適切な語を、 1話ずつ書きなさい。 ただし、数字も英語で書くこと。 Mr. Green Emi Mr. Green "amongの間で 図書館 駅 レストラン 病院 英語 (8) <職業体験参加表 日曜日 火曜日 For 月曜日・水曜日 木曜日 木曜日 Emi Next week, the students in our class are going to work at four places. I'm going to work at the library on ( ① ) It's near my house. Ⅰ often go there to read books with my family. It's my favorite place. I see. Are you going to work there with your friend Yoko? No. She is going to work at the restaurant on Monday and ( ② ) She and ( ③ ) other students are going to work at the restaurant. It's popular *among the students. Emi Right. And many students are going to work at the hospital, too. They are going to work there for ( ④ ) days. Mr.Green I see. And three students are going to work at the (⑥) Are there any girls in the three students? Emi No. All of them are boys. 参加人数 5人 3人 10人 12人 ⅡI 次の英文は、留学生のビル(Bill)とクラスメートのサキ (Saki) がこの週末 (weekend)の 予定について話をしたときのものです。 これを読んで、あとの問いに答えなさい。 Bill Do you have any plans for this weekend? Saki Yes, I'll help my "uncle at his cake shop in Midori Town. Bill Does your uncle have his own cake shop there? Saki Yes. I think his cake shop is popular. I helped him last month. Many people came to the shop to buy cakes. When they came into the shop and looked at the cakes, they "smiled. When I saw their smiles, I was very happy. 埼玉県 Bill: Working there is fun for you. Saki: That's right. I like my unce and his cake shop. Well, what will you do this weekend? Bill I'll practice soccer with my friends in Aoba Park on Saturday. And the next day, Ill practice soccer with some "professional soccer "players in Chuo Park. a It will be exciting! (for / soccer/1/played/ have) ten years. I want to professional soccer player "in the future. be Saki Ⅰ know you are a good soccer player. You practice it very hard. I'm "looking forward to seeing you on professional soccer team. Bill: Thanks! It's difficult to be a professional soccer player, but I'll do my best. professional プロの "player 選手 み uncleおじ *smile ほほえ "in the future 将来は *look forward to ~ (1) 下線部①を下の英文のように言いかえたとき )に入る最も適切な語を語 ずつ書きなさい。 Ⅰ was very happy ( ) do my best 全力をつくす を楽しみにして持つ their smiles. (2) 下線部②が対話の流れに合う文になるように、( )内の語を並べかえなさい。 (3) 次の英文は、その日の夜にサキが英語で書いた日記の一部です。 文中の( ) (⑥) に入る最も適切な語を、それぞれ1話ずつ書きなさい。 Today Bill and Italked about our plans for this weekend. I enjoy (④) at my uncle's cake shop, so I'll go there this weekend. Bill will practice soccer this weekend. Ⅰ know he plays soccer (⑥) He wants to be a professional soccer player. He doesn't think it's ( ⑥ ) to be a professional soccer player. But I hope he can do it! あなたは、アメリカに留学しています。 明日あなたの学校は休みです。 ホストファミリー に「わたしは明日は早く起きる必要がありません」ということを伝える英文を1文で書きな 英語 (9)

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英語 高校生


しまう Relative Clause: Fill in the gaps to complete the sentences. 吉 Select from: That, Which, Where, When, Whose, Who 1. Neil Armstrong is the Astronaut was the first to walk on the moon. 2. A surgeon is a doctor per forms operations. 3. California is a state in Amer ica gover nor is the famous actor Arnold Schwar zenegger. 4. The Volga is a river is the longest river in Europe. 5. J.K. Rowling is an author “Harry Potter” series of books are very popular. 6. A dictionary is a book gives us the meaning of words. I can try Fugu? “Romeo and Juliet" 7. Is there a restaurant around here 8. Shakespeare was an English author wrote 9. A hospital is a place sick people go to become healthy again. 10. New Zealand is a country has more sheep than people. 11. Gr aduat ion is an event you celebrate graduating school or university. 12. Carnivores are animals only eat meat. 13.A dentist is a person checks and helps take care your teeth. 14. Ringo Starr is the drummer in the Beatles name was Richard Starkey when he was born. 15. Stefani Germanotta is a singer stage name is "Lady Gaga” . 16. August is the month many Japanese return to their hometown for Obon. ser ved his favour i te food. 17. To celebrate John' s Birthday they went to a restaurant 18. My car, is very expensive, is a Mercedes Benz. 19. Brazil is the country hosts the next Soccer Wor Id Cup in 2014. 20.1 like movies have happy endings 21.1 dislike people who 22.1 like places where 23.1 don't like it when 24.1 like animals that An interesting story - Rewrite the story using who, which, that where or and. which who I was sitting in a café. 1 often go there for a drink after work. I called the wai ter. I know him quite well. I asked for a cup of coffee. While I was waiting I looked at a newspaper. It was lying on the table. I started reading an article on the front page. It said: "Police are looking for a woman, Cather ine. She has been mi ssing from her home for two weeks.'1 looked at the photo. It showed a Woman with dark cur ly hair, she had a round face. I recognized it at once. She was my new neighbor . She had moved in just 2 weeks before.

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