

英語 高校生


【1】 次の英文の空欄に最も適したものを選び、 英文を完成さ せなさい。 (2点×20) (1) What time will you ( come 2 happen 3 (2) Why don't you ( (4) You ( coming. lie 2 lay 3 send 4 sleep (3) All of the guests missed you. You ( the party. *miss〜 : 〜 の不在を寂しがる must 2 should 3 would 4 will to not (5) I haven't decided ( ) go out tonight because another typhoon is ought not 2 hadn't better 3 had better not had 4 to where going (6) He is good at ( *employee ) the mountain cabin? reach 4 arrive ) on the sofa and have a nap? ) on vacation yet. where going 2 going where 3 where to go motivation 2 to motivate ) his employees. (9) The Bible might be ( 4 motivating (7) I tried counting the number of languages ( world. 1 speaking 2 have spoken 3 to speak 4 spoken (8) A truck crashed into a group of carpenters ( the park. ) have attended (10) Our boss said we had to work ( motivate to working worked 3 who works that working ) useful book of all. much 2 better 3 the more 4 the most (12) This is the house we ( (14) Stop chatting, ( Das hard 2 more hard 3 harder 4 so hard (11) This is a cave ( * Neanderthal man : ネアンデルタール人 which 2 that 3 where 4 why lived 2 live 3 lived in 4 live (13) You must hand in the paper ( *hand in : 提出する until 2 for 3 till 4 by and 2 but 3 or 4 so ) in the ) Neanderthal man lived. ) as we could. (15) John is ( 1 taken took 3 taking 4 take ) in ) when we were children. ) the professor will get angry. (1 shower now. Please call later. ) eleven o'clock

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