

英語 高校生


1Comprehension Check! Choose the best option. LESSON 100 11文型 (4点) What is the theme of the conversation? ssa dso isds 02nold (ase ni lin 計 a. The History of the Fourth of July b. What Americans Eat on the Fourth of July r nT c. How Americans Celebrate the Fourth of July 2-4米 カ d. The Fourth of July and Fireworks 40 R eading duod QHints 2|Questions Answer the following questions. Read the passage and answer the questions. the 4th of July 7月4日(アメリカ独立記念日) : How do Americans celebrate the 4th of July, Ms. Smith? の Haruto ; Ms. Smith: Well, it's a special day for Americans /and they have [1] 下線部Oの語句を正しく並べベかえなさい。ただし,先頭の語は大文字に直すこと。 (5点) 2oh atfT different ideas about how_tol celebrate it.] :のL you / some / me / can / examples / give ] of how they celebrate it? IT of how they celebrate it? Haruto [2) 下線部ののthatの内容を日本語で説明しなさい。 dapos odt to hi ne IdegW moso (6点) monidas oo) Ms. Smith: Well, most people like to have a big party with their family and friends. ;Really? Do you mean they[ wear nice clothes and 肉はどこで調理されますか。日本語で答えなさい。 M bus ojov ogid loodse oT (6点) れ Haruto serve tea and cakes? kthar) p Ms. Smith: No, it's mot like ②that at all} :What do yolrmean? 全<~ない 1 の M bun oo o1 gtd loodoa me n6qs[ orit su9 (6点) Haruto 下線部3をItの内容を明らかにして日本語に直しなさい。 Ms. Smith: First, everyone (who comes to the party will bring food. Haruto ;Really? What kinds of food? aidal corn [ks:rm) コーン,トウモロコシ bean [bi:n] 豆 home-made 自家製の Ms. Smith: They will bring many kinds of food like salads, corn. beans, potatoes, fresh breads, home-made cakes and cookies. And everyone will bring drinks like cola, juice, and so on. ;Is that all they eat? |5 Why does every family buy a lot of fireworks for the 4th of July? Answer in English. (7点) 15 の Haruto 3 Ms. Smith:No, there will be lots of meat cooked on a BBQ grill BBQ パーベキュー 3| Listening Quiz Listen to the recording and put T (True) or F (False) in the brackets. in the garden. gril (gril] グリル、焼き調 4 3) Haruto :What kinds of meat? (各2点) へ へ Ms. Smith: Well, my family always has a lot of steak, chicken, and pork. We cook the pork and chicken for six or seven hours over a very small fire. ③ It makes the dir6 sead o oo 9pnysLA s meat very ténder. tender [tendar] 柔らかい もッ :Do Americans only eat and drink on the 4th of July? Ms. Smith: No, when it gets dark people usually set off fireworks. Haruto onl obiT (1) olaalms a get dark くなる set off ~/set~ off (花火など)を打ち上げる They are reasonable in America so every family buys a lot and then sets them off for the children. :Wow! It sounds like a lot of fun! (3B Your Idea how su ai Haruto (226 words) =本書では、アメリ発音、 イギリス発音、オーストラリア発音、カナダ発音の音声を扱って います。Reading のCDトラック番号の横にそれぞれを米関、力で示しています。 ubostal a If you are invited to the party, what food will you bring? 5

未解決 回答数: 1