

数学 高校生


値の 南大] 基本 96 答え 日本 例題 98 2次方程式の解の存在範囲 (3) 161 00000 2次方程式 2(a-1)x+(a-2)2=0 の異なる2つの実数解をα βとす るとき 0 <<1<B<2 を満たすように, 定数αの値の範囲を定めよ。 CHART & SOLUTION 2次方程式の解が2数p, gの間 グラフをイメージ f(p), f(g) の符号に着目 f(x)=x-2(a-1)x+(α-2)2 とすると, y=f(x) のグラフは 下に凸の放物線で、右の図のようになる。 [類 立教大〕 鮮の存在範囲が 0<α <1, 1 <β<2 となるようにするには,f(0), ff (2)の符号に着目する。 右の図から f(0) > 0 かつ f (1) <0 かつ f(2)>0 を満たすようなαの値の範囲を求めればよい。 f(x)=x-2(a-1)x+(a-2)とする。 ..... y=f(x) のグラフは下に凸の放物線であるから, くりとなるための条件は 0f(0)>0 かつ f(1)<0 かつ f(2)>0 る。 ここで f(0)=(a-2)2 f(1)=1-2(a-1)+(a-2)2=α-6a+7 f(2)=4-4(a-1)+(a-2)²=a²-8a+12 =(a-2)(a-6) [(a-2)2>0 Oa 基本 96,97 3章 + 11 0 B2x グラをイメージする。 3つの条件がすべて必要。 例えば, f (0) >0でなく, f(0) <0 とすると, y=f(x) のグラフは, 次の図のようになり, 適さない。 2 x 2次不等式 であるから a²-6a+7<0 ①から (a-2)(a-6)>0 2以外のすべての実数 ②から 3-√2 <a<3+√2 ③から a<2,6<a ④ ⑤ ⑥の共通範囲を求めて 3-√2 <a<2 PRACTICE 98 ① ② α-6a+7=0 の解は a=3±√2 [S] ④20<(0)\ [8] Je1 ⑤ DH 6 80<(E)\ 3-√2 23+√26 18 a

未解決 回答数: 1
英語 高校生


1 Choose the best answer to fill in each blank. (1) Most stores in the Seaside Mall used to ( ) at 10:00 a.m. every day. 1 open 2 opens ③ opened 【関西学院大】 ④ opening (2) There were many people who ( ) to be served at the (1) 参 p. (2) 【立教大 】 その他 参 Þ counter before me. 1 had waited 2 have waited ③ was waiting 4 were waiting (3) Stamps ) in post offices. 【岡山商科大 *】 (3) 参 「する 1 sell 2 are selling 3 have sold 4 are sold pists (4) This soup ). (4) 参 S+V ①is tasting bitter tastes bitter (5) John and his brother ( days. Something must have 1 were absent 3 have been absent 2 is tasting bitterly 4 tastes bitterly from school for the past nine happened to his family. (5) 参 状態 2 absented 4 are absent (6) "Do you think Margaret will take one of your little cats?" (6) 参 第 "I don't know. She seemed ( ) in them, however." see ①to be interest 2 interesting 【 青山学院大 】 3 interested 4 interestingly (7) My mother has just ( ) to the supermarket. Now she's (7) home. 1 gone went ③3 visited been (8) Satoshi has wanted to ( ) his girlfriend since he was in (8) college. O marry 2 marry to 3 marry with 4 get married (9) Mr. Wallance will meet his friends at the restaurant to ( ) about their vacation plans. (9) 【京都外国語大 * 】 1 discuss 2 mention 3 express 4 talk (10) I ( ) for a parking place for half an hour, but I can't find [(10) 【亜細亜大】 one. 1 look 2 could look 3 will look 4 have been looking

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