

英語 高校生

これの答えが知りたいです。 できれば訳もお願いします!!🙇🏻‍♀️՞

when B を表すと 市内の when とも 第 02 章 Field 1 文法 受動態 Section 受動態の基本 主語と動詞が 「(主語) が・・・される」 という <受動〉 の関係なら、受動態 <be動詞+過 去分詞> を使う。 受動態の問題のポイント be 動詞は主語・ 時制に応じた形を使う。 when 容を表 節内の 134 This church ( en Biz ① built ② was built ) in the 12th century. ③ has built も Try! 1. This chair (break) by Mike yesterday. ④ was building [語形変化] 100 受動態の形は? 主語が This church で あることに注目 2. He ( ) while he was playing rugby. ① injured ② has injured (関西学院大) ③ may be injured ④ was injured 135 ① invented of The radio was ( ) Marconi and others. ② invented at T100 動作主を表すと きは? 動作主を表すときに用 いる前置詞は? ① with [100] Try! Who was this picture drawn ( ③ invented with ④ invented by )? 2 to ③ by ④ of ce 5 136 He ( ) Kei by everyone. 00 ① calls ② is called ③ is calling called SVOCの受動態はど ういう形になる? He と Kei の関係を考 よう Try! The outside of the castle ( I was painted black ② painted black ). ③ was black painted ④ is black painting 8 37 ① of ② by The child was taken care ( ③ by of ) him. ④ of by Try! He will ( ) by the whole class. ① be laughed at ② laugh ③ be laughing at ④ be laughed Section 10 いろいろな形の受動態 (札幌大) 138 Tokyo Skytree ( ) from here. ① can see ② can be seen ③ can have seen is can seen 動詞の受動態はど ういう形になる? take care of ... は群動 詞 動詞は1つの動 詞としてとらえよう T100 助動詞を含む受 動態の形は? Can は助動詞 助動詞 を含む受動態の形は? 9

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英語 高校生


Scene Reading 2 1 Z 本文音声 本文フレーズリーディング音声 →教科書 p.34 太字の単語や点線の熟語 → 別冊「入試頻出語彙ノート」 p.6 1 When you turn on the switch, the light bulbs light up a room. You may take, such a thing for granted, but 2. 1. one person's invention made this possible. The invention was the alternating current (AC) electrical system which is used 交流 3. to deliver power to our homes and buildings today, and the inventor's name was Nikola Tesla (1856-1943). He also contributed to the invention of many other things, including the fluorescent light, s 4. the radio, the microwave oven, wireless communications, and radio-controlled devices. 2 5. In addition to being an outstanding inventor, he was a *visionary of the future. Some of his predictions of future technology have already been realized, and others are | 英文解釈 likely to come true in the near future. (118 words) *visionary ←辞書を引かずに、 文脈などから意味を推測してみましょう。 10 英文解釈 some と others を相関的に使う形 Some of his predictions of future technology / have already been realized, / and others are likely to come true / in the near future. 未来の技術についての彼の予言の中には、すでに実現したものもあれば、近い先生に 実現しそうなものもある some others で始まる2つの文を and / but / while やセミコロンなどで結びつけて、 「 ( 1つの集 団の中で) 一部は~であり、別の一部は・・・だ」 という意味を表す形がある。 「~なものもあれば・・・な 「ものもある」 のように訳すと、 自然な日本語になることが多い。

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