

英語 中学生

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1 When we need to see the time, we look at clocks or watches. Today we can check the time very 置き時計 easily. However, it was not so easy long ago. Time keeping_has a very interesting history. 簡単に 長い間,ずっと 時間の計測 Ancient people used nature to read the time. About 6,000 years ago, Egyptians used the sun. 2 They put sticks in the ground, and the shadows told them the time. These were some of the first 話す。教えるの過去形 clocks in the world. 3 At night, people could not use the sun. About 3,500 years ago, Egyptians started to measure time without it. They put water in pots. The pots had tiny holes in them. The water decreased …なしで little by little. The lines in the pots told them the time. 4 About 1,500 years ago, other people used fire. They burned candles, for example.. The candles gave them light, and people saw the time by the lines on them. 与えるの過去形 線 5 About 700 years ago, people started to make mechanical clocks. At first, they used weights to power these clocks. The clocks told the hour with bells. However, the weig were big and heavy, so these clocks were difficult to move. 6 About 500 years ago, people improved their clocks. They used springs to power the clocks. The springs were small and light. So people could move the clocks easily. Eventually, people 小さい began to carry watches. 7 Today, we have clocks and watches everywhere. This is the result of many great inventions and many people's efforts. Even now, clocks and watches are improving. 8 We cannot really see time, but ancient people tried to recognize it. They used different ideas and technologies to measure it. When we look at our clocks and watches, we can easily see the time. Now it is time to recognize the wisdom of those ancient people.

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

Vivid Ⅲ Get ready 2 古代エジプトの話のやつのthisとかが何を示しているかわかりません。 とりあえずうめたところもあっているかわかりません。空欄のところを教えてください。また、うめてあるところで違っていたりしたら教えてください。

ても 代名訓はた さ (全) 後続の this 、 証はたいてし いー度H できたものや事柄を指すが、後から出てくる内容を指す場合がある。 Rniysa nohn ーー Nellyou this she didmtwanttowomy herbest fiend. 下線部①-。 1 ーWが指すものを文中の語句で答えなさい。ただし、(⑥⑨⑩ The anci に Glent Egyptians beleved in many gods. ①They also believed / hat ②their kings, Called pharaohs, / were 9ods. ③They believed / that the pharaoh could help ④them / even fter⑮he or she died. Becauss cf ⑥tmhis / ⑦tmey wanted the pharaoh to have a good l、 /and agood lfe afterdeath,/also caled an afterliie. One way to gve the pharaoh a good afterife Was to preserve ⑧his orherbody Egyptians believed (⑨hiswas importantforthe pharaoh's の がージ の / SPirt/DThis would help the spit recognize the body. This is the reason / the Egyptians made mummies. ① They Ne hcienr Es ② their he hcienf Es ③ They Thc onient Faypfiens ④ them The zhcier Ezypfes ⑤ he orshe る ミ ⑥ this 日本芋つ ( M修でをBか03sができる て ) ということ。 ⑦ tney he onceg7 5あypfigms ⑧ his or her る ⑨ Wis 日本靖つ ( をなお DECWのSE ⑩ This 日本六つ( /権保3 ) ということ。

解決済み 回答数: 1