


TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

文章を読んで上の1〜4の問題を解くものです。 分からないのでお願いします

3. Answer the following questions. 1 What is the difference between UNIX and Linux? 2 3 4 Choose one of the words in italics in the text. What is the definition of the word you have chosen? What are the three levels of a Linux system? What are the two main functions of the kernel? [Reading Text] UNIX was initially developed by researchers at Bell Labs in the 1970s. Today, UNIX and its variants are widely used mainly on servers. By far, the most well- known UNIX-like operating system is Linux. Linux is available in different distributions which include the Linux kernel and different collections of software. These distributions have various user interfaces, many experienced users preferring the command-line interface, or shell. Linux distributions include a range of software including text editors. memory. While the mechanics of Linux and other Unix operating systems are complicated, the components of a Linux system can be grouped into three levels. The lowest level is the hardware, such as Central Processing Unit (CPU) and The next level is the kernel. It enables communication between hardware and software, by providing instructions to the CPU and other hardware. The programs that are running on the system, or processes, make up the top level known as the user space. Processes in user space generally only have access to a restricted amount of memory and operations, this is called user mode. The kernel runs in kernel mode which allows it unrestricted access to hardware resources. The kernel provides functions such as process management and memory management. A computer only has limited Random Access Memory (RAM) and processor cores. Process management allows the system to run multiple programs (processes) at the same time even if the CPU can only execute only a few processes at a time. Memory management allows applications to share the system's memory while avoiding potential issues such as memory leak. Included with the kernel are device drivers that provide an interface for applications to communicate with hardware, such as hard drives. System calls allow user processes to access features that are executed at kernel mode, for example creating new processes.

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人


3. Answer the following questions. 1 What is the difference between UNIX and Linux? 2 3 4 Choose one of the words in italics in the text. What is the definition of the word you have chosen? What are the three levels of a Linux system? What are the two main functions of the kernel? [Reading Text] UNIX was initially developed by researchers at Bell Labs in the 1970s. Today, UNIX and its variants are widely used mainly on servers. By far, the most well- known UNIX-like operating system is Linux. Linux is available in different distributions which include the Linux kernel and different collections of software. These distributions have various user interfaces, many experienced users preferring the command-line interface, or shell. Linux distributions include a range of software including text editors. memory. While the mechanics of Linux and other Unix operating systems are complicated, the components of a Linux system can be grouped into three levels. The lowest level is the hardware, such as Central Processing Unit (CPU) and The next level is the kernel. It enables communication between hardware and software, by providing instructions to the CPU and other hardware. The programs that are running on the system, or processes, make up the top level known as the user space. Processes in user space generally only have access to a restricted amount of memory and operations, this is called user mode. The kernel runs in kernel mode which allows it unrestricted access to hardware resources. The kernel provides functions such as process management and memory management. A computer only has limited Random Access Memory (RAM) and processor cores. Process management allows the system to run multiple programs (processes) at the same time even if the CPU can only execute only a few processes at a time. Memory management allows applications to share the system's memory while avoiding potential issues such as memory leak. Included with the kernel are device drivers that provide an interface for applications to communicate with hardware, such as hard drives. System calls allow user processes to access features that are executed at kernel mode, for example creating new processes.

回答募集中 回答数: 0
TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

英語の問題です。 この答えが分かる方いらっしゃいますか?

9. Though himself. statesman, James Polk was unusually successful in accomplishing his goals during his term. (A) not yla w op at odw oldiassi oimonoe ai ginimbno JisM al 13. In contrast to popular opinion, measures of intelligence have. teliable predictors of future success. -imaginative U ada t an inola Isoioiso ors 3) never been M. (B) without an (C) he was not (B) not any (C) no TI ni 2stsa2 (D) seldom (D) was not an ntaib gaol 3a uinillida ods daidw. at alolbabus( 14, The name "porpoise" sometimes 10. Blends of spices have been created by spice manufacturers to make the art of scasoning to some members of the dolphin family, (A) it is extended ons Jbodai(A) a quick and casy one ailavon usolnsas (B) is an extension *A (C) extended pollusH (D) is extended (B) casy and quick a one (C) a quick one and easyon Issiufo adh (D) one casy and quick ot 11. During nothe 1950。ch adol bag-baxits5. In old age, the immune system proponents of inguistic relativity believed that - to language or representational functioning. graduaily becomes less resistant to viral fangal, and s od thought- (A) infection by bacteria (A) can reduceitomootains ae 2s oibilids aii (B) bacteria's infection e (B) could be reduced (C) reduces (D) reducing e aoiseniaimbs zot sldienogesn al uo smezqu2 arb 3o soitaui 3oid ad.S 12.- (C) bacterial infection ida lanigho ms a (D) infectious bacteria A that nearly all households will haye broadband internet by the vear baale yiwn olo lo dsso 2015. (A) ExpectingLni s2osh os tiorual atgsimue asar ads gorW.ES (B) Many expecting (C) In expectation nwob" sd oa biea ymaqmoo adt atenoyitisamos (D) It is expected A h o obla gaoxworb po pexdmh ow nomwal nmissmA yhsbM as A

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数学 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

統計学の偏相関係数について自分の解釈があっているかの確認をしたいのですが、 こればかりは自力ではできないので確認をお願いしたいです。 (画像は参考にした教科書の内容です。ファイルサイズの問題で必要な情報をすべては載せられませんが一応貼ります。) この教科書の内容は ある人... 続きを読む

Gのデータに対して、yおよびxを戦りの像数から下引する次のような る8,備相関係数 のデータに対して,yおよびえを吸りの象数から下刊する次のような S くうか考えられ,それらの影響も限形的であれば、上の1次式のモデルの愛 SyS」 (間題A1.6)。 親がふえるこになる。また,もしこれらの変のうち採力国)が2次関数的 に移響する可能性がある場合には、当のほかにx=という4満日の変数 を予デルに加えておけば、 2次開数的な影響も上のような線格デルにより 分析ることができる。 コーつの重国帰をデルを考える。 -ッ pe ただし、 Sy S Sy S エ-dx p+る。 -のとき、最小2堀法によって求めた重回帰式は次のょうになる。 S, S1 S12 S,p いま去6のように1つの目的変数とp個の説明変数光認を に n個のデータ(数値)が与えられたとしよう. S1y S Sg Sp S= たたし。 表6 重回帰分析の場合のアータ 22 1 帰分析法 S S 日的変哉 明 数 S Sp Sp"Sp S. S 81式のいかをyおよびからあ,為,Xoの回帰が消去されたときの 偏相関係数(partial correlation coefficient)という。 テータ号 そしてS,は行列式Sの1行」列の余因了(行」列の要素を取り除いて作。 Sは式のSの2行2列2)余国子からさらに1行1列の余因子をと 1 『1 『1 T」 ったもの。 S はSの2行2列の余囚子からさらに1行+1引の余因子をと 2 エ以 た行列式に(一1}* をかけたもの)。 | 式からわかるように00式で小される偏相関係数は(a,る,…,ズ)の影響 を除いたyととの相関係数と考えることができる。同様にしてyとxj- っかもめ。 1,2,p)の間の偏相関係数を定識することができる。 また。式に小す行列式Sとその余因子を用いると、ル は次のよう! S , S. も同様に考える。 エ J= (-arュー+) , =(ddエ み) も書ける。(町E A1.7)。 Sie VS」Sa 51と同様にズ,海。, y からyの値を子測するとき、,た。, とりの 関係を示す一つの数式モデルを設定しなければならない、この数式モデル(予 第1式)を11のように与える,必は- , -…, e だけでは説明しきれない部 分の予測誤差を表す。 『122.p=ー こおくとき、変数とpの単相相関係数は次のように書ける。 S Sa, Saは行列式Sの1行1列, 2行2列,1行2列の余因子 去8に示すデータで、yおよびから,石のの国帰が消去されした 5aト ただし、 『121 -ー -4十aエ,サ角約」十, +山i-6 この式を、線形重回帰モデル(linear multiple regression model} と呼ぶ中 * Sas Ss 例7。 ただ。 ときの偏相関係数()を求めよ。 [解] 例6の解答の中に示す行列式Sと式より 回滑の場合(x,平面上のヵ個の点の集まりドに直線をあてはめたが、重回帰 1、 ( , Spー -1 場合には(, , y)の(ゆ+1)次元空間での の点の集まりに対してき次 S』 VS」S。 元超平面 S--(-は)(カー)。 『yト23- -6.941×10° V6171×10×2.011×10 0.623 をあてはめ、それによって説明変数の他x,あ から目的変数の値 を予測する。このときの誤差は式から去?のように表される。

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