


TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人


1. 次の文に当てはまる正しい語(句) を選び、( )内に書きなさい。 (1) The teacher made me [ read / reading ] the book. その先生は、その本を私に読ませた。 (2) Let me [ knows / know ] whatever you want. 16 (5-7 RETU+RB+HG) ほしい物は、 何でも知らせてください。 (3) [ Let / Let's ] watch the boxing title match on TV. テレビでボクシングのタイトルマッチを見よう。 (4) 1 [ had / got] my brother to help me with my homework. astu Shelp mew 私は、弟に宿題を手伝わせた。 30459551610402 NJ lllwym tanisge loed op em ebem SH ( 3. 次の( 内に正しい語を入れなさい。 (1) The employee ( ago. ob 1eri tel GIR: evad 2.次の 内の3つの語(句) のうち、最も適切なものを○で囲み、文全体を日本語に訳しなさい PROUESO (688JJ-118 適切なもので MTDGHT 1ST DE (1) The gorgeous dress (makes / lets / has ) Jane look like another person. [ Luoy (2) She was always (had/let/ made) to clean the kitchen by her mother. HOM othel. (3) My father ( (4) John (ように! [ EO) Hallona I'nbluos | (3) The teacher (forcing / forced / is forced) the students to go out of the classroor [ (55 (4) Iwas (allows / allow / allowed) to smoke in the room. [ ) JOW LOYD Bario of od ARFJURIA (2) Takeshi could make (0) x) understood in English. W and mand ) compelled to leave the company one mont ,0501:0 ) his computer repaired last year. 内の his hair cut the day before yesterday.

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

大学でcatwingsという洋書を読んでいるのですが、 ①Sitting in the catbird seat!とハリエットッという猫が歌うのですがこの訳は有利な立場に座っている!でいいでしょうか...? ②It looks softer. の訳が分からないです。私的... 続きを読む

どうして ther じゃない? catbird.….. ネコマネドリ ←北米大陸に分布する 暗い灰青色の羽も コスズメ目マネシツグミ 科の野鳥の猫に似た 鳴き声を出す。 catbird seat.….有利な立場、権力 untiring ・疲れない ・飽くことのない ・たゆまない 不屈の に腰をかける "Sitting in the catbird seat!" sang を検定などのよ nost (屋上落上)小尖塔 Harriet, perched on a pinnacle. 所に置くのせた ポーチドク "It looks different over there," said Hoveselfに Thelma, pointing her nose to the west. "It looks softer?” 12- じっとみる まじめに、真剣に熱心に西に向かって、西方に They all gazed earnestly westward, but 方 アーニィストリイ cats don't see the distance clearly. "Well, if it's different, let's try it," said James, and they set off again. They could not st fly with untiring ease, like the pigeons. Mrs. アンタイアイリング ミセス たやすさ ピジョンズ の座(く シドリが木の 一番高い場所 に巣を作ること with ease ・造作もなく perch ⑩ (上り木 すいすいと ・苦もなく ・易しく、楽に (座れる高い場所 パーティン・土地の面 の単位) ⑩ (鳥か?.….に止まる

未解決 回答数: 1
TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

informations···▸informationに変えるような問題です。 答え合わせがしたいので、答えを教えて頂きたいです。大問1と2です。

1 Correct the sentences which have mistakes. Tick (✔) the correct sentences. 1 Do you have any informations about these people? information 2 How many people do you employ? Sorry, I don't have much time. Let's be quick. 4 A little customers have complained about the increase. 5 I'm afraid we don't have many paper in stock. 6 There isn't much demand for this line any more. Give him any more time to finish this. I've got fewer space in my new office than in my old one. 9 A lot of people said they preferred the taste of this one. 10 I'd like a little help with that, please. 7 8 2 Two people are checking the store cupboard at work. Complete their conversation with a suitable quantifier. A So, how many boxes of paper clips do we have in stock? so we should B Well, we only have a ² probably order some more. A How about ink cartridges? I don't think there are left. 3 B Well, there's an extra box of them here, but we'll more, sooner or later. need 4 A OK. What about the coffee machine? How 5 coffee is there? B There's a 6 7 of that, but there aren't packets of tea. A Right, so that's paper clips, ink cartridges and tea. Anything else? a at the moment, but people in the office have asked me if B Well, we don't have 8 9 we can have biscuits for the tea breaks.

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