


TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

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5 A Matter of Taste Reading Passage 042 At the age of just 22, Jamie Oliver became well known across the UK as "The Naked Chef." He called himself this not because he cooked wearing no clothes, but because he wanted to simplify food preparation so that everybody could follow his recipes. He wanted to "strip down" the idea of cooking. Since then he has had numerous TV shows, published 50 many books, and has become a household name in the UK. Today, one of the activities Jamie Oliver is best known for is his great effort to improve the school dinners that children eat every day. One day, he visited the kitchen of a typical London secondary school, and he was shocked to see how much processed junk food the kids were given to eat each day. Fat and sugar levels were extremely high, and nutritional values very 10 low. The "turkey twizzler" became the symbol of these unhealthy meals: processed meat containing 21.2% fat and only 34% actual turkey. Oliver ran the school kitchen for one year and tried to show that it was possible to serve healthy meals on a limited budget—and that kids actually enjoyed eating them. His mission was to radically change the eating habits of children in that school, and across the country. 150 200 15 20 25 CULTIES 250 His project (the "Feed Me Better" campaign) has had some influence on school dinners in the UK. After watching the documentary Jamie's School Dinners, 271,677 people signed a petition calling for healthier school meals. This led the Prime Minister to agree to spend 280 million pounds (about 37 billion yen) on school dinners, to ban some junk food from school menus, and to create a School Food Trust to provide support and advice for people preparing school meals. Research, by the way, shows that children who stop eating sugary, fatty food and instead eat Oliver's school dinners are better behaved in class, and they get higher test 300 scores, too. 350 Of course, the project has had some problems. At first, many students (and even parents) resisted the removal of the junk food they were so used to. In one famous instance, some parents were passing local takeaway food to their children through the school fence. Also, schools that followed the plan for a while were often found to gradually drift back into bad habits. After all, it is easier and cheaper to just give the kids junk food. However, Oliver's efforts represent a positive start, and with obesity becoming such a huge problem (see Unit 4), 400 it's a very necessary start.

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歴史 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

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公民 ① たくさんの人物, お金, 情報などが, 国境をこえて移動することで、世界の 一体化が進むことを何というか。 ② 社会権の中でも基本的な権利で、 「健康で文化的な最低限度の生活を営む権利」 を何というか。 基本事項の確認 〜 「公共」に向けて~ ③他人の人権を侵害してはならないという人権の限界や, 人々が同じ社会の中で 生きていく必要から人権が受ける制限のことを, 日本国憲法は何とよんでい るか。 ④ 日本国憲法が定めている国民の義務は, 子どもに普通教育を受けさせる義務, 勤労の義務と, もう一つは何か。 ⑤選挙制度のうち,一つの選挙区で一人の代表を選ぶ制度を何というか。 ⑥選挙制度のうち, 得票に応じて各政党の議席数を決める制度を何というか。 ⑦国民は立法を行う議会の議員を選び, その議会が行政の中心となる首相を選ぶ しくみを何というか。 ⑧裁判のうち、殺人や傷害, 強盗などの犯罪について、有罪か無罪かを決定する 裁判のことを何というか。 ⑨国の権力を立法権,行政権,司法権の三つに分け,それぞれ独立した機関に担 当させることで,権力の集中を防ぎ, 国民の権利や自由を守るという考え方 を何というか。 2 (4) 6 ⑦ ⑩0地方議会が法律の範囲内で制定する, 地方公共団体独自の法を何というか。 きぎょう りじゅん かくとく ① 企業が,土地,設備, 労働力といった生産要素を元に、利潤の獲得を目的とし てさまざまな財やサービスを生産する経済を何というか。 ⑩ 労働三法の一つで,労働時間や休日などの労働条件について,最低限の基準を 定めた法律を何というか。 じゅよう いっち しじょう きんこう ⑩ 需要量と供給量とが一致し, 市場が均衡状態になる価格を何というか。 どくせんかせん しはら ⑩ 独占や寡占によって消費者が不当に高い価格を支払わされることがないよう, 企業間の競争を促すために定められた法律を何というか。 ⑩5 所得税や相続税で採用されている, 所得が多くなればなるほど高い税率が適用 される課税方法を何というか。 すこ ⑩ 国際連合の機関のうち, 子どもたちの生存と健やかな成長を守る活動をしてい る機関を何というか。 とじょう ⑩発展途上国の中における, サハラ以南のアフリカなどの国々と,急速に成長す Co 9 る新興国などとの間の経済格差を何というか。 かくへいき ⑩8 1968年に採択された, 加入国を核兵器保有国と非保有国に分け, 非保有国の 核兵器開発を禁止する条約を何というか。 さいたく ⑩9 2015年に国連で採択された, 17の目標と 169のターゲットからなる, 2030 年までに国際社会が達成すべき目標を何というか。 ②0 「国家の安全保障」の考え方に対して,一人一人の人間に着目し,その生命や 人権を大切にするという考え方を何というか。 12 (13) 14 15 16 18 (19) # きつちゆき 兼 好 法 師 久 井原西鶴 > 山椒魚

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