


TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

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19,20 Friday, Feb. 26, 2021 O French safety officials the 写真提供:ロイターアフ。 safety official 安全局合。 on Thursday gave green light to extend the lifetime of the FESSENHEI/ 35 eDF country's oldest nuclear power plants as it seeks to boost the share of renewable 再生可能エネ ルギー mix. renewables in its power の Nuclear energy currently provides nearly 70 10 French electricity, more than in OFrance, hoping to reduce that share to 50 percent by 2035 percent of any other country. obs91 910a8 ーa target pushed back from an earlier 2025 date the help of renewables, has been holding off from building with hold off 控える、見合わ せる new reactors. 15 The French nuclear safety authority(ASN) said the country's 32 plants with 900 megawatt capacity, built mostly in the 1980s, would be allowed to operate for another nuclear safety authority 原子力安全局 decade, taking their potential lifespan to 50 initially planned 40. 20 6 They will therefore not be decommissioned before the late years from the uohee) 活導大 2020s or even late 2030s, depending on their initial launch date. 6 The safety of French nuclear plants is checked every bse 01nla8 decade. s の ASN asked state-controlled electricity provider EDF, which EDF フランス電力 the country's nuclear plants, to undertake work to safeguard the stations' security. “The main target was to limit the consequences of accident, especially any serious accident involving the manages any necessary any meltdown of a reactor," ASN's deputy director-general Julien

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

教科書の英文の和訳をお願いしたいです。 分からない単語(赤で記入)を調べても 自分の中で和訳ができません…。 授業内で発表など色々あって、そこで 間違うのが怖いので和訳をお願いしたいです…🙇‍♂️

なす多 What is holism()? The medical professional's view of human beings influences. the planning and care provided to patients. For years, the health 従事者 長いp て 提供れる。 care community considered bódy and mind as separate entities, er year Now, it is believed that caréPHOViders need to yiēw an individual s をのてaなす 明電 @ 体的に、ああを as a whole, complete person, not as an assémbly of distinct párts. Viewed in this light, any distúrbance in one part is a disturbance of the whole system, the whole being. Therefore, health care pro- の 体のれれ fessionals must consider how the part of an individual under た下にある concern) relátes to all others and also consider the inferaction 10 and relationship of the individual to the external environment. This view is called holism, a holistic view of humans. :生物じ理、社年的が Humans are an open biòpsychósocial systenm with many inter- めま 提供する: related subsystems. In'brder to ptovide appiopriate healthcare based on a patient's needs, healthcare professionals must focus 15 on the interrelated needs of body, mind, emotion, and spirit. Abraham Maslow's® theory It was Abraham Maslow's human needs théory that offered the frámework for holistic health care. His model includes both 、操供 る的 生理的 心鶏的 怪える 良々に」 physiologic) and psychologic needs, which he arfánges in Order of importance from those essential for phiysical sufVival to those necéssary to develop to the füllest human potential9 Lower-level 20 心体 週不可欠 needs must be met to some extent before higher-level needs can スリ組た、@か。 be addressedio An individual usually persists in trying to meet a 場たす need until it is met. If a need goes unmet, physical disòrders, 25 psychological“imbalance, or death can Maslow's five categories of needs, in hiefarchical order. O Physiologic needs: air, food, water, shelter, rest and sleep, and temperature maintenance) eSáfety and secúrity needs: the need to be safe and to feel 30 OCCur. Below are 野屋eカラーを 所 safe, both in the physical environment and in human rela- tionships; 8 Loye and belónging" needs: the need for giving and receiv- ing love and the need for feeling that one atains®) a place in 所属(優) (7) 脅け人れ a group; OSelf-esteem needs: self-esteem® (feelings of indépéndence, Cumpetence, and self-respect) and estéém from others Toidon 自等 35 独立性 身する

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数学 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

問題としてはこのURLのやつでexercise2.2.9の問題です。 2.2.9. Define T : ℓ^2(Zn ) → ℓ^2(Zn ) by (T(z))(n) =z(n + 1) − z(n). Find all eigenvalues of T.... 続きを読む

16:22マ l 全 の Exerc: 164/520 matrices, convolution operators, and Fourier r operators. 2.2.9. Define T:l'(Zn) - → e°(ZN) by ニ Find all eigenvalues of T. 2.2.10. Let T(m):e'(Z4) → '(Z) be the Fourier multipliei (mz)' where m = (1,0, i, -2) defined by T (m)(2) = i. Find be l(Z4) such that T(m) is the convolutior Tb (defined by Th(Z) = b*z). ii. Find the matrix that represents T(m) with resp standard basis. 2.2.11. i. Suppose Ti, T2:l(ZN) → e(ZN) are tra invariant linear transformations. Prove that th sition T, o T, is translation invariant. ii. Suppose A and B are circulant NxN matric directly (i.e., just using the definition of a matrix, not using Theorem 2.19) that AB is Show that this result and Theorem 2.19 imp Hint: Write out the (m + 1,n+1) entry of the definition of matrix multiplication; compare hint to Exercise 2.2.12 (i). iii. Suppose b,, bz e l'(Zn). Prove that the cor Tb, o Tb, of the convolution operators Tb, and convolution operator T, with b = 2 bz * b.. E Exercise 2.2.6. iv. Suppose m,, mz € l"(Z). Prove that the cor T(m2) ° T(m) and T(m) is the Fourier multiplier operator T) m(n) = m2(n)m」(n) for all n. v. Suppose Ti, T2:l"(Zw) → e'(Zn) are linear tra tions. Prove that if Ti is represented bya matri respect to the Fourier basis F (i.e., [T; (z)]F =A Tz is represented by a matrix Az with respect t the composition T20T, is represented by the ma with respect to F. Deduce part i again. Remark:ByTheerem 2.19, we have just proved of the Fourier multiplier operat Aresearchgate.net - 非公開

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人


Denmark in World War II お んれ By Hannah Arendt Hannab Arendt (1906-1975) was a political scientist! and pbilosopber born in Hanover, Germany. Wben Hitler came to power, sbe was forced to leave Germany and came to the United States in 1940. Sbe continued ber academic career by lecturing and teacbing at arious colleges, including The New Scbool for Social Researcb in New York City. Among the many books sbe urote were Eichmann in Jerusalem, On Revolution, and The Origins of Totalitarianism. Editor's Insert During the Second World War. the Germans invaded Denmark in April, 1940. In the beginning of her essay, Hannah Arendt explains that of the four countries almost completely immune to anti-Semitism- Denmark, Sweden, Italy, and Bulgaria Denmark challenged its German masters directly. As soon as the German authorities talked about forcing Jews to wear the yellow badge,' the Danes replied that all Danish citizens, including the King, would be wearing it the next day if the policy were carried out. In addition, all Danish government officials threatened 舌は the German authorities with their immediate resignation if the Germans started to implement any anti-Jewish actions. The following excerpt from Eicbmann in Jerusatem shows how the Danes sabotaged the German plan to carry out the mass extermination of the Jews. only 2タカ人の What happened then was truly amazing; compared with what took place in other European countries, everything went topsy-turvey. In August, ー after the German offensive in Russia had failed, the Afrika Korns 1943 had surrendered in Tunisia, and the Allies had invaded Italy すgovernment canceled its 1940 agreement with Germany which had permitted German troops the right to pass through the country. Thereupon. the Danish workers decided that they could help a bit in hurrying things そのうえに up: riots broke out in Danish shipyards, where the dock workers refused to repair German ships and then went on strike. The German militarv commander proclaimed a state of emergency and imposed martial la and Himmler thought this was the right moment to tackle the Te the Swedish す。 (continued on next page) themselves as Jews secret police), and overseer of the concentration camps

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人


Questions 5-7 refer to the following letter. a new member to the club To welcome confirm To | continued membership Mr. Leonardo Harper 571-45 Heiligenstàdter Street Vienna 1190 の) December 15 Dear Mr. Harper, Thank you for your continued support of the North Vienna Concert Hall We are writing to confirm receipt on December 14 of your North Vienna Club membership renewal payment for next year. Alnterviews with musicians To celebrate our 30 year anniversary, we are happy to announce some new special benefits for club members. Starting next year, club members can receive a 10% discount on any concert held during the first three months of the year. Call our ticket office at 1-5123098 and use the promotional code CZ1713 when you order your tickets. Please note that discounts only apply to pre-orders placed during this special period. IC) Commentaries on 0 The concert schedule performances As always, members will receive our monthly magazine, North Vienna Club, which features concert reviews and interviews with various artists and musicians, together with news and schedules of all of the events at the concert hall. Next month's issue will feature a six-page interview with the world famous conductor Franz Minsky. Once again, we thank you for being a North Vienna Club member and for supporting arts and music in our community. Sincerely, Roy Pophins Roy Hopkins Director North Vienna Concert Hall の の)

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