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7 /7rr/e Price is a fable and moder classic by French aviator and writer Antoine de Saint-EXxupery. It was published with his own illustrations in French as /e Pe記Prince in 1943. The ]eading character of the simple is a child, the little prince, who travels the universe to make 2 of unknown wisdom. The short novel has been translated into hundreds of到 Moreover, it has sold some 200 million copies throughout the world,_放“ione ofthe best- selling books in publishing history,
7We 7re Pree 1 6 70ace portrays grown-ups as being 獲。 narrow-minded. In contrast, children 點ow wise through creativity and a willingness to _ 約 the world around them and within themselves。The main theme ofthe fable is expressed in the secret that the fox tells the little, Prince, which goes that it is only with the heart that one can see rightly: What is essential is 及tothe eye. Many book critics drew _ 誤 between the characters and events of 7e farfe 入ce and the ]ife of its author, who wrote the book while living in New York City. At that time he had 如 from the political turmoil of World War IIin France. Like the narrator Saint-Exupeiy was apilot who experienced a plane crash in adesert. His wife, Consuelo, is also said to have@ had erratic behavior that reminds readers _ 2 the prince's rose. His such a(n) analogy as can be realized by Consuelo's later autobiography, 7e 名fe 97 4e Rose.。 Thus, th narrator and little prince have been referred to as expressions of Saint-Exupery himself froi different perspectives- Wof (8 invisible (O making 0 diseoveries 了explore 謂 tp departed @ stunning “languages (D constantly (J) connections 區區必 有全本 學 嚼 禿 肥 ae 多 茸 稀


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