

her baby? wolf rais@ c. Other WOIVeS. Q. Who helpS 8 female a.Her husband. p.Her mother. Wolves haveaD interesting W37 WE raising their young. When - nedigsiahole.。 Within thi 9 ーー ee hn this 『 | io 。 female wolf iS ready 0 ge birth, い hole, she has.her babies. While she is taking CaTe of these babies, other woves bring her food. After they get lite older can leaye them while she goes offto hu with other members of the group. Then instead of the mother another female wil stay behind to guard the young.wolves. (80 words) the mother
8 キンター Q.What causes the differenceS In various kinds of tea? 。 How they grow. b.How they 89 treated. C.Both. -語 Green tea has a long history JaPD and strong ties with japane、、 一 ature. Because of Ta think that green tea comes from 。 時 nique io Japan. owever ll tea nO matter whatits color Gi taste, comes from the same Plant. Ten what causes the diference、 3 taste and color? They are則 委cb the resultoEdifferent ways of growing the tea and treating it afterit js 本ked. (74 woray)
use tO count people? c. His he2d. Q. what does te foreign student p. His @yS. a. His finge「. Physical gestures ave different meanings 記 Bo 議 ese signals wm sometime、 」 y cultures, and nisunderstandin9 th 9 IT Thave never tomots embarrasSin9. Tonce 0 oreldgn stud gOUP 9 lents 6Q)Kyoto. Some years ago,TtOOK3 smal 。 counted then(with eindex fingeh Wiehis common in Japan 5 Qt one of them be and 1p8ked4Puzzled〉 When 1 &skedhi m hafGwe the matter he replied, "In my goBtry we count people with our eyes-We use our fingerS t0 coun1 fng t 2 8



