
An American professor who teaches Contracts made the following statement:

“Traditionally, punitive damages have not been available for breach of contract. The goal of contract remedies has been to compensate the promisee for the breach rather than to compel the promisor to perform. Justice Holmes wrote in The Common Law:

The only universal consequence of a legally binding promise is, that the law makes the promisor pay damages if the promised event does not come to pass. In every case it leaves him free from interference until the time for fulfilment has gone by, and therefore free to break his contract if he chooses.

Although the original reasons for the rule against punitive damages in contracts are obscure, law and economics scholars have found a contemporary justification in the theory of ‘efficient breach.’ As Chief Judge Posner has put it, ‘Holmes’s dictum ... contains an important economic insight. In many cases it is uneconomical to induce completion of performance of a contract.’ If a widget manufacturer, by breaching her contract with A and selling to B, can make enough to compensate A for his loss and still come out ahead, she should do so. The manufacturer is better off, A is no worse off, and the widgets end up with B, who values them most. The manufacturer should not be liable for punitive damages because ‘[a] penalty would deter efficient ... breaches, by making the cost of the breach to the contract breaker greater than the cost of the breach to the victim.’ Efficient breach has now become the standard explanation of why punitive damages are not awarded for breach of contract. The Restatement (Second) of Contracts and a large number of contracts casebooks and treatises rely on the theory of efficient breach to explain why punitive damages are not allowed. Courts have also increasingly turned to the theory of efficient breach to justify their holdings denying punitive damages for breach of contract.
There are two basic problems with the efficient breach argument against punitive damages. First, the efficient breach argument provides no excuse for shielding opportunistic breaches of contract - those in which the breaching party attempts to get more than she bargained for at the expense of the nonbreaching party - from punitive damages. As Judge Posner has recognized, when a promisor breaches opportunistically, ‘we might as well throw the book at the promisor... Such conduct has no economic justification and ought simply to be deterred.’ Yet many courts apply the rule against punitive damages to shield not just involuntary breaches and efficient breaches, but opportunistic breaches as well. Ironically, some have even done so while relying on the theory of efficient breach to support their decisions.
Second, and more fundamentally, allowing a promisor to breach and pay only expectation damages is not the most efficient way to avoid inefficient performance. Subjecting a widget manufacturer who wishes to escape her contract with A to the threat of punitive damages will not require an inefficient performance. It will, however, lead her to negotiate with A for a release rather than making a unilateral decision to breach. A rule that forces such negotiation will tend to be more efficient than a rule that allows one party to breach and pay damages without the other party’s consent because the costs of negotiation will tend to be lower than the costs of litigation necessary to establish expectation damages.”




✨ ベストアンサー ✨


「伝統的に、懲罰的損害賠償は契約不履行としては扱えない。契約の救済措置の目標は、諾約者への履行強制よりもむしろ不履行について受約者を補償することにあるからだ。ホームズ裁判官はThe Common Lawで述べた。



契約における懲罰的損害賠償に反する規定についての元々の理由は不明瞭ではあるけれども、法律や経済の学者たちはefficient breach(効率的不履行)という理論において、ひとつの現代的正当化を与えた。ポスナー裁判長が言っているように、『ホームズの見解は重要な経済学的洞察を含んでいる。多くの場合、契約履行の完成を促すことは非経済的である。』ある製造業者がAとの契約を破ってBに販売をすることにより、Aの損失に対する補償をしてもなお利益があるのであれば、この製造業者はそうするべきだ。この業者は一層稼ぐし、Aも損はしないし、製品も一番高く評価してくれるBになって落着するわけだ。製造業者は懲罰的損害賠償に対する責任を負うべきではない。なぜならば『被害者への違反費用よりも契約違反者への違反費用のほうが大きくなるため、違約金はefficient  breachを阻害する』からだ。efficient breachは、いまでは契約不履行に対して懲罰的損害賠償が科せられないことの標準的な理由付けになっている。The Restatement of Contractおよび多くの契約判例集や論文は、efficient breach理論を拠り所としてなぜ懲罰的損害賠償が許容されないのかを説明している。法廷もだんだんとefficient breach理論を採用して契約不履行に対する懲罰的損害賠償を否定する判決を正当化するようになってきている。


懲罰的損害賠償についてのefficient breach論に関する2つの基本的な問題がある。ひとつめは、efficient breach論は日和見的な契約不履行 - 違反当事者が非違反当事者の費用負担で金を得ようと交渉するような例だ - を懲罰的損害賠償から保護する理由を与えないことだ。ポスナー裁判官が認識しているように、諾約者が日和見的に違反するときには、『我々は諾約者に契約書を投げつけていい。そんなやり方には経済的正当性はないから、明らかに阻止されるべきである』しかし、多くの法廷は懲罰的損害賠償に対する規約を諾約者に適用し、単なる不本意不履行およびefficient breachだけでなく、日和見的不履行も保護している。皮肉なことだが、efficient breach理論を判決の支持として拠り所にする間はそのようなことも起こっていまっているのだ。



法律は私の専門ではないので、教養で知ったことを頼りに訳してみました。最後のほう?は私もよく意味がわかりません。inefficient performanceがどういう意味か調べてみてください。












