

(2) I had my teeth 1 check 1( )に入る最も適切な語句を ① ~ ④から選びなさい。 (1) He went on speaking as if she ( 1 can't 2 hasn't ) there. Son 3 wouldn't ) by a dentist this morning. ult niles 3 checking wahiwon (青山学院大 ) ④weren't pomibinand (岩手医科大) 24 to check 2 checked (3) You should not keep any pets ( 1 after 2 unless ) you can take good care of them. 3 when (中央大) ④which 1 as 2 in ) all be correct. ②anytime (6) If the weather ( ①must have been (4) This town will change ( ) another ten years. (5) Those may not ( 1 absolute ) fine yesterday, I would have done the laundry. 2 is (7) Studying takes up a lot of my time during the week, ( ) little time for hobbies. (芝浦工業大) since 3 of (國學院大) 3 everything ④necessarily (関西学院大 ) ③ wasn't 4 had been (皇學館大) ①1 has left (8) Have you heard the rumors ( 1 that 2 what leaves leaving 4 left ) Susan has returned to this town? ③ which (麗澤大) ④ who 1 by (9) What was found in this experiment is ( 2 for (10)( ) what to say, she remained silent. ) great importance to researchers. 3 in (立命館大) 4 of (愛知工業大) 1 Not knowing 2 Being not knowing ③No knowing ④Knowing no (11) I tried to ( 1 have 2 make ) her to tell me what happened last night. 3 get (十文字学園女子大) 4 let How gimon and (12) Do what you like, as ( 1 far 2 much B in 1 in 2 with bnat am ) as you leave me alone. 3 long (13) This tool is dangerous. Please read the instructions ( (14) If I hadn't drunk so much last night, I ( 1 feel (15) I wish you 1 attend (16) If I ( 1 were ) 2 will feel ) the party yesterday. 2 were attending ) much better than I do right now. ③ would feel ③ have attended (中京大) 4 would have felt (目白大) ④had attended ) in your situation, I would be more careful about what you post on social media. (フェリス女学院大) 4 many ) care. (聖隷クリストファー大) at ④take gwol 3 will be (南山大) ④would be
③ (2) 2 下線部のうち, 誤った英語表現を含むものを1つ選びなさい。 ④ 人 (1) If I knew you had this large tent, I would have asked you to lend it to me before I went ① camping. (佛教大) ① On that day, Professor Carter had her students to come to the lecture room earlier so that the special lecture could start on time. ④誤りなし ② ③ ② ④ (国士舘大) (3) Many of the transferred employees wanted to remain in the city despite their commute time had increased. bed oved lrw (東海大) (4) After 135 launches, the United States ended its Space Shuttle program with the safe ② novelanding of the Atlantis shuttle in July 21, 2011. 90% (大) 3 日本語に合うように, ( ③ barousai sd os(学習院大) abem I vdw bastu t'nob I (D) BOER & D 内の語を並べかえ, 英文を完成させなさい。 (1) 深夜にカラオケパーティーをしないでほしいのですが。 arit biz (青山学院大) (would / you / rather / have / didn't/I) akaraoke party in the middle of the night. dairw (2) バンドがステージに上がるのを見て, 観客は歓声をあげた。 pianon (金沢工業大) ( band / onto / seeing / the / walk the stage, the audience began to cheer. (3) 私たちの生活はまもなく通常に戻るだろう。 asw It (be / before / returns/not/long / our / will / life) to normal. (龍谷大) bed (e) (4) 彼女が投げたボールは彼の頭に当たった。 bos ynol aid ( The ball she threw (head/him / hit / on / the ). ) falsibuda ( 追手門学院大) mis) anitubⓘ (5) あなたはもう寝ていていい時間ですよ。 jacl (大阪医科薬科大) It ( bed / is / the / time / to / you / went ). (一語不要) Jedi ob au orion VM no qe air duw grito eyewis al mio M (11) 95701 wolls C 4 意味の通る英文になるように,( )内の語句を並べかえ, 英文を完成させなさい。 (1) He speaks English (he / though / as / were) a native speaker. bongingmo sus (2)(not / the children / let / go / do) near that pond. harubnoonad bado (SD) (フェリス女学院大) (3) No (had / less / Linda / me / seen / sooner) than she turned pale. (一語不要) F1003 A (4) Had ( been / for / his / it / not) quick action, our cars would have crashed head on. (女子栄養大) ( 津田塾大) ((日本大)


