
請問28. 看不太懂😵‍💫

共♡ (27~28) 法律 ex.法律、 命令 ex. 規程綱要 Eric is not a careful young man. One day, he did the shopping for three of his co-workers, Grace, Adam, and Linda. However, he mixed up their receipts with other people's. Here are the receipts. Please help him find out the four receipts. Happy 8-12 AB-11223344 Happy 8-12 AB-11223345 Happy 8-12 AB-11223346 Price Total Lunchbox NT$75 NT$75 Item Item Tissue Hot Dog NT$15 Price Total Green Tea NT$35 NTS70 NTS20 NT$20 NT$30 Price NT$30 NT$30 Milk NT$20 NT$60 Tissue Vegetable NT$40 NT$40 Sandwich Total Item Pork Sandwich Green Tea NTS35 NT$35 NT$40 NT$40 Toast NT$45 NTS45 NT$130 NT$150 NT$165 E t ABCD t ABCD 132 康軒評量中心 請尊重著作權勿樓自印 Happy 8-12 AB-11223347 Item Price Total Lunchbox NT$75 NT$75 Hot Dog NT$15 NT$30 Milk Tea NT$25 NT$25 Happy 8-12 AB-11223348 Price Total Item Milk Tea NT$25 NT$25 Chocolate NT$20 NT$40 Pork NT$40 NT$40 Sandwich NTSI30 NT$105 co-worker 同事 mix up 混淆 receipt 收據 tissue 衛生紙 27. Linda is a vegetarian and eats no meat. Which receipt is Linda's? (A) Receipt. (C) Receipt D. 』 vegetarian 素食者 (B) Receipt B. (D) Receipt . 28. Both Linda and Grace asked Eric to buy tissue for them, and Adam wanted Eric to buy a lunchbox and a hot dog for lunch. Eric himself bought a lunchbox and a pork sandwich for lunch. According to the four receipts, how much did Eric pay in total? (A) NT$545. (B) NT$535. (C) NT$565. according to (D) NT$575. 依據 20 +60 +75 t

