
( ( ( 四、克漏字測驗(每題 3 分,共 15分) Crime is a serious problem in many cities. The police officers aren't always able to stop everything 1. they need help from other people. 2. . Some of them will step in if on their own. They can't be everywhere at the same time, Many good people are making the police officers' jobs 3. However, if there is any danger to them, they will call the police and tell them about the situation. Other people get together in groups and walk around at night. If they see anyone 4. anything strange, they will call the police and 5. the police deal with the situation. It takes a lot to keep a city safe, and every little act helps. crime ) 1. (A) when (B) so ). 2. (A) easily (B) casier ) 3. (A) they hear someone singing beautifully (B) there aren't any problems to worry about (C) they see people fighting in the streets (D) people in the streets are wearing masks ) 4. (A) to do (B) did (B) allow ( ( ) 5. (A) let vivo X80 ZEISS 2023/05/06 01:29 52 step in A danger f situation (D) because (D) hardly (C) if (C) hard (C) does (C) tell (D) doing (D) ask Lesso LOO 單字片 Reading 1. yearboo jir buk 窗(1)` (2) I 2. clap (v.; [klæp] 動詞變 例(1) A (2) E C (3) W ( (v.) Mike (Mi 3. cheer (v. [tfir] 動詞變亻 (1) P. C (2) W (1) C (2) c We c 4. noisy (ac [] 例(1) T C (2) T
(2) Ann looks at me angrily. (Ann 生氣地看著我。) 副詞 angrily 用來修飾動詞 looks at 2.一般連綴動詞沒有進行式,但部分表「轉變」的連綴動詞可用進行式表「越來越……… 例 The weather is getting hot. (天氣越來越熱了。) 4.感官動詞和連綴動詞時常混淆,因為有些感官動詞也是連綴動詞,如 feel,但其用法有很 的差異。感官動詞用來說明「受詞」的狀態;連綴動詞用來說明「主詞」的狀態。 動詞 句構 例句 感官 動詞 連綴 動詞 「主詞+感官動詞+受詞+原形動詞/現在分詞. Ken felt the house shaking. (Ken 感覺到房子在搖晃。) 說明「受詞」的狀態 主詞+連綴動詞+形容詞/名詞. 說明「主詞」的狀態 小試身手 | 現在分詞 shaking 修飾受詞 the house 圈選正確的答案 1. I felt the bus ( be moving / to move / moving ). 2. Grandpa saw aman( break / to break / have broken ) into his neighbor's house last vivo X80·ZEISS 2023/05/06 01:30 Cal felt lonely when he was alone. (當 Cal 獨自一人時,他感到孤獨。 形容詞 lonely 修飾主詞 Cal night. 3. Though Mia heard the doorbell ( ringing / to ringing / to ring ), she didn't open the d 4. The chocolate cake looks (deliciously / delicious ). Did you make it yourself? 5. It sounds (like / X)an interesting idea. Let's do it! 63
2. 接不定詞或動名詞皆可的動詞(字義改變) 動詞 用法 字義 +不定詞 | 忘記要做某事(未做) +動名詞 忘記做過某事(已做) ( forget /remember | stop try 進階題 +不定詞 記得要做某事(未做) +動名詞 記得做過某事(已做) +不定詞|停下來去做某事(未做) +動名詞「停下正在做的事(已做) +不定詞 嘗試完成、達成某事 +動名詞「嘗試用……方法做某事 (A) keeps ) 4. Mom has me (A) to drink ) 5. My dad was happy to see my brother (A) doing (B) does vivo X80 2023/05/06 01:30 . 02051 後售價 120元 )1. Deborah put some milk in her black tea to make it (B) tasted (C) tasting (A) do (B) does )2. My cat got excited when it saw the boy (A)catches (B) catching ZEISS 例句 I forgot to bring my watch. → 忘記帶手錶 I forgot bringing my watch. → 忘記有帶手錶 Peggy didn't remember to do her homework. → 不記得要寫回家作業 (A) taste ) 2. If I finish my homework before 7 p.m., my mom will let me (A) watch (B) watching (C) to watch ) 3. Sarah wants her husband | Peggy didn't remember doing her homework. → 不記得寫了回家作業 stopped to drink tea. → 停下來,去喝茶 Kate Kate stopped drinking tea. → 停止喝茶 Ben tried to fix the bike. → 嘗試修好腳踏車 → a secret for her.. Ben tried fixing the bike with the tool. 嘗試用工具修腳踏車 65 (C) have done better. (B) kept (C) keep (D) to keep a glass of milk every day because she believes it's good for my health. (B) drink (C) drinks (D) drinking 寶星 (C) did 無考題 ) 1. Nancy does not like to spend time taking out the garbage. She always has her brother it for her. the dishes in the kitchen. (D) to do (C) to catch (D) to taste the birds. ZORO 代 TV for one hour. (D) watched (D) done (D) caught 【109-補-10】 【105-3】 超範題
(p.p.) 5.特殊動詞的被動語態 會考題 ( 授與動詞 使役動詞 感官動詞 ) 1. Alison doesn't like what to do. She only does things she wants to do.. (C) be told (A) told (B) to tell (D) to be told ( ) 2. Many famous people visit this restaurant. Popular singers like A-mei and Jay Chou here with their friends. vivo X80 授與動詞的兩個受詞都可當被動句的主詞。 The boy writes me a letter every week. (那男孩每週寫一封信給我。) → A letter is written to me by the boy every week. → I am written a letter by the boy every week. We saw John dancing to the music. (我們看到 John 隨著音樂跳舞。) → John was seen dancing to the music by us. 【現在分詞不變】 注意不是所有主動句都可改為被動語態,如「連綴動詞」是表示主詞的狀態,沒有動作或受 詞,故不能改為被動語態;「不及物動詞」沒有受詞,所以也不能改為被動語態。 例 (1) You look beautiful tonight. (你今晚看起來很漂亮。) → look 在此為連綴動詞,沒有動作或受詞,故不能改為被動語態 (2) Judy cried in her room last night. (Judy 昨晚在她房間裡哭泣。 ) → cried 在此為不及物動詞,沒有受詞,故不能改為被動語態 (A) to be often seen (B) often seen ( ) 3. My dog Jimmy loves ZEISS Mr. Lin made us clean the classroom(Lin 老師要我們打掃教室。) We were made to clean the classroom by Mr. Lin. 【不可省略 to】 and fall asleep ( 睡著的). (A) to brush 2023/05/06 01:30 寶學 We saw John dance to the music.(我們看到 John 隨著音樂跳舞。) → John was seen to dance to the music by us. 【 不可省略 to】 QUE qu THE (B)brushing 67 (C) are often seen (D) and are often seen with a comb. Every time I comb his hair, he will close his eyes (C) to be brushing (D)being brushed 【109-11】 【107-11】 【105-15】
abili 一、文法選擇(每題 3 分,共 30 分) ( ) 1. Cindy cried out when she saw a mouse (B) is running (A) run ) 2. Do you know the woman's name? I remember ( ( (A) bring ( ) 4. Ms. Drew (A) seeing (B) to see (C) saw ( ) 3. Ms. Thomson was angry because Peter forgot (B) brought (A) looks; look ( ) 5. Molly (A) felt; looked ( ) 6. The chocolate cookies (A) smelis ( ) 7. The band's show (A) was held ( ) 8. My boss (A) asked (A) practice ( ) 10. A dog (B) felt like; saw ) 9. Jenny's father makes her playing it at all. across the kitchen floor. (D) has run a fifty-year-old woman. so young. She doesn't (B) looks like; look (C) looks; look like (D) looks like; look like excited when she the rainbow in the sky. (C) felt like; looked (D) felt; saw (C) to run (B) are smelled vivo X80 ZEISS 2023/05/06-01:30 (C) to bring so good. Can I have some? her at a party. (D) see his homework to class again. (D) bringing (D) smell- (C) have smelled in the town square tomorrow night. Would you like to go with me? (B) will hold (C) has been held (D) is going to be held me write an apology ( ) letter to the customers yesterday. (B) had (C) told (D) wanted the piano for two hours every day, though she doesn't enjoy (B) practices (C) practicing (D) to practice the little girl on her way home this afternoon. She 2. What did you see last night?(用「看到某人在教堂裡祈禱」回答) 3. The tea smells like fresh roses. (依畫線部分造原問句) 68 away. (A) bit; took (B) bit; was taken (C) was bitten; took (D) was bitten; was taken 二、依提示作答(每題 5 分,共 25 分) 1. The mother told her child to draw a square on the paper. (had 94 · 1907 三、整 1. A 4. Mr. Peterson didn't allow his students to use their smartphones in class. (4) to the hospital right 5. Ia 2. 3. T p S t (


