

y contributor to airline waste. Thus, wasted airline food poses quite a serious environmental 贡献者(n) problem. 因此cadv) eismotas bebizong 3. to be s expect food during flights, are making an effort to provide food but produce less waste. For example, their in-flight Considering that most airline customers some airlines ar the airline EasyJet recently introduced "smart" meal plans 4. services. EasyJet used to waste as plan, the airline could plan meals based on data regarding how consumers' needs are based flight duration and time of day. The airline has influenced by different causes, 6. 受即向的 原因() used such data 7. the most suitable meals for individual flights. As a result, more food will be eaten 8. flights and less will be wasted. ( 5. as 800,000 food items per year. With this 3X32 (n) throughout the world. duration Wasted food remains a major part of why air travel will likely be causing environmental damage for many years. For millions worldwide food is 9. 10. parents are forced to send their children out to work. Ya 11 (adj.) food policies. Do distribution ↔ 2014 (X) 1.(A) that smit in bo (B) it scarce that 稀缺(9). airlines must change their so could lead to less waste and a more even distribution* of food (2. (A) If (A) 3. (A) served (C) 4. (A) invoqit (4) 5. (A) long (A) 6. (A) such as vin 3 (7) 7.(A) determining apibutomo (C) determined (2)18. (A) around A) 9. (A) somi 10.(A) Suddenly corts and e 因此 (C) what ini oz (D) which (A (C) Though sodom(D) Once M (H) (B) supported (C) surrounded 97: (D) sponsored (B) atomum bas (C) to nisid woy (D) with 104 (2) (B) oftendil inobiln(C) many(adv) (D) much onte (B) except for 10¹1 (C) more than 1. (D) instead of s las niso boy 1srl. (B) to determine gizionars Tofin ad odi to ono ai (D) by determining wond woy bia (prep (C) between pan (D) during og (B) among (B) Because) (B) veryod and (C) toonsxo 19v (D) much cou (B) Similarly dei (C) Immediately or (D) Therefore due to our ser
高中 英文


✨ ベストアンサー ✨

5food items可數所以用many
10我覺得他怪怪的欸 我也選b



what則是指the thing which 屬於複合關代

