

The viewers of a popular TV drama were most unexpected man. 1 shock 2 shocked The population of that country is three times as ( 1 far 2 little 3 many 3 shocking We had to break the secret code by means of every ( online. 1 amount 2 hand Bob wants his children ( the answers. 1 be done A lot of ( 1 spectators 人工知能の目標の1つはコンピューターに普通の言葉を理解させることである。 One of the aims of artificial intelligence (computers / get / is to / language / ordinary /to/ understand). <東海大 > iary of beru! (EL 3 piece I would like you to consider ( 2 be having ) last night to see its heroine marry the 4 to shock as its neighbor's. 4 large iyons 2 do my father 3 were doing 4 to do 3 has been falling significantly in recent years. O 4 value タクシーであの博物館に行くことを勧めます。 I (a/suggest/take / taxi/to/you) that museum. 〈関西学院大 > ) of information available <東洋大 > ) their homework on their own, instead of asking him for all 157 〈 関西学院大 > 12binong sial ant ) were in the soccer stadium to cheer on the players.n asaulibros 2 guests 3 audience 4 customers (**) ) a little more active during class discussions. 3 being 4 is 〈 大東文化大〉 It is a cause for concern that the number of students going to abroad on study exchanges 2 5220 <学習院大> afbold @ Alw douan < 東洋大 > <中京大〉
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 9 18 Please ( 1 remind of taking 3 remind for taking a) all of your belongings with you when you get out of the taxi. 2 remember taking 24 remember to take The government decided that it shouldn't 1 step 2 reward I tried to convince Steve ( 1 at er 2 to Do you ( 1 take Lucas (med) that he was a member of the brass band club. 1 said saugi 2 spoke in 3 talked negillaini 4 told lai to ) if I smoke? 2 mind 3 raise His music is always (wo) to me.owsmor ierb ( 1 annoy 2 annoys 3 annoyed Your tie does not ( 1 much with 3 have This is the greatest loss in our company's history. ( expenditures next year. o ods of Nevertheless 2 However 93 Therefore She reminded me (ga) her when I get in. 1 call 2 called 3 calling 2 deprives interest rates this year. G 4 hire <東京理科大 > (brintersbou ) the fact he was wrong, but he did not change his mind. 3 of 4 in 獨協大〉 Tove tocar d match ) this shirt at all. 4 get 3 be come to (a) Our house cannot get enough light because of the big tree. (b) The big tree ( ) our house of enough light. 3 disturbs 1 blocks 4 annoying norato a〈立命館大> nomblish airl answ dolf <東洋大> 4 Fortunately andh od ), we must cut down on our 201 to bol A abianos of way soll blow 4 to call 4 wear 〈杏林大> 〈青山学院大> Tolosa line ning snillased ead 4 prevents ALVE (X 〈中央大〉 <駒澤大〉
語法 文法


