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Topic-7 Exercise Circle the correct answer 1. "What are the chances of getting tickets?" a. Get b. getting c. got 2. "What are the chances of that happening?" a. Happen b. happened c. happening 3. "What are the chances of it raining today?" a. Raining b. rain c. Rains 4. "What are the chances of you staying home today?" a. Stays b. stayed c. staying 5. "What are your chances of getting the job?" a. Getting b. got c. get 6. "What are your chances of improving?" a. Improves b. improving c. improved 7. "What are your chances of moving?" a. Moving b. moving c. move 8. "There is something wrong with your way of thinking." a. Thinking b. think c. thought 9. "Let's not discuss this now." a. Discuss b. discussed c. discussing 10. a. Staying "Let's not stay here too long." b. stayed c. stay "Let's not stop anywhere on the way." a. Stopped b. stop c. stopping 11. 12. "Let's not remain mad at each other." a. Remain b. remained c. remaining 13. "Let's not meddle in other people's business." a. Meddle b. meddling c. meddled 14. "Let us not get too excited." a. Get b. getting c. got 15. There's no need to worry." a. Need b. needed c. needing 2022/06/10 14:02
Topic-8 Exercise Circle the correct answer H 1. It's no use.......... a. Cry b. crying them." 2. "It's no use a. Separated b. separating c. separate 3. "It's no use................ to her." a. Talked b. talk c. talking 4. "It's no use about it." a. Whine b. whined c. whining "1 5. "It's no use a. Apologize b. apologized c. apologizing 6. "It's no use to please him." a. Attempt b. attempted c. attempting ..... on time." 7. There's no way you ..... a. Finished b. finish c. finishing 8. "There's no way we ........... on time." a. Complete b. complete c. completing 9. "There's no way your mother a. Approves b. approved c. approving 10. "There's no way no one it." a. Claims b. claimed c. claiming 11. "There's no way they. it." a. Expect b. expected c. expecting 12. It's very kind of you to ................... me the job." b. offer c. offers a. Offering 13. "It's very kind of you to ................. to me." b. listening c. listen a. Listened 14. "It's very kind of you to me." a. Joined b. joining c. join ............ 15. "It's very kind of you to a. Invite us." b. invited c. inviting 16. "It's very kind of you to a. Informs b. informing 17. "It is kind of you to......................." b. helped a. Help 18. There's nothing you can a. Harm b. harmed 19. "There's nothing the police can a. Identified b. identifying 20. "There's nothing we can.......... 2022/06/10 14:03 a. Agree b. agreed c. cried us what happened." c. inform c. helping 11 c. harming (1 c. identify agreeing on."
Topic-9 (Exercise) Circle the correct answer ..a job." 1. "I'm trying to a. Get b. got c. getting ......... my family." 2. "I'm trying to a. called b. call calling 3. "I'm trying to ...... my dinner." a. Enjoy b. enjoyed c. enjoying myself." 4. "I'm trying to a. Educated b. educating c. educate 5. "I'm trying to myself." a. Explained b. explain 6. "I'm ............ new food." a. Try b. tried 7. "I'm gonna a. Have b. had 8. "I'm gonna go to....... a. Work 9. "I'm gonna.. a. Eat 10. "I'm gonna a. Send 11. "I'm gonna a. Run 12. "I have a. Do 13. "I have a. Hearing 14. "I have a. Driven 15. "I have... a. Forget 16. "I have a. Reads 17. "I used to 18. "I used to a. Jog 19. "I a. Used 20. "I used to 2022/06/10 14:03 a. Developed some coffee." 11 b. worked b. eating b. sending b. running it." b. did that before." b. hear a car." b. drive c. explaining c. trying c. has c. working some cake." out my resume." a marathon." to paint." the words." that book." b. reading c. read websites." b. developing c. develop every day." b. jogs b. using 11 b. smoking c. ate c. sends c. runs c. done c. heard c. forgotten c. driving b. forgot c. jogging c. use c. smoked

