
Check it out の問題を解いてくださる方いませんか?参考にしたいです!!

Model 1 Sara is giving a presentation about someone in her family. 1 up ar Today, I'd like to talk about my grandmother. She is 74 years old. She is a designer and still works at home. I really look up to her. My grandmother made me this ring. She gave it to me as a birthday present, so it's very precious to me. When I was a child, she often told me fairy tales. She always makes me happy. Check It Out Sound Tips QO What did Sara's grandmother do on Sara's birthday? Q2 When Sara was a child, what did her grandmother often do? She gave it to me as a birthday present. 日本語では「バ・一・ス・デ・- 」 のように5つの音 の区切りで言いますが, 英語の音節はbirthday のように2つです。 日本語式に5つに区切ると通じ にくい発音になります。 Q3 How does she make Sara feel?
Model 1 Yui is introducing herself at an international event in Tokyo. Hello, everyone. My name is Shimizu Yui. I'm from Japan. I live in Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture. There is a beautiful harbor in my city, and I often take pictures there. I am a first-year high school student, and I'm thinking of joining a club. There are a lot of interesting ones, but I think I'll join the photography club. I'm very happy to meet you all. Thank you. tiz MGS Check It Out suasolg.nole Sound Tips bsq b QO Where does Yui live? I'm very happy to meet you all. Q2 What is in Yui's city? Q3 What does Yui often do? 英語のリズムの基本は「強弱」です。 通常, 名詞, abbs.abs一般動詞 形容詞などの 「強勢 (ストレス)」 のある one low 母音 (下線部) を 「強く」 「高く」 「長く」 発音し、 それ 以外は「弱く」「低く」「へ 」


