

Mr. White's job has ( 1 ) to do with computers. 2 someone の nobody FRAME 100 3 anything Fortu D eit. O something 開外 口12 EXERCISE A 空所に入れるのに最も適切なものを選びなさい。 Beca 口13 very 口01 ノwas a present from my father. 人 の m 2 My old this camera の This old camera of mine Jagm aomけらmoa L O My old camera of this くセンター試験) 3 This my old camera Tdil ot mi The population of Tokyo is much larger than ( bn) of New York. の which 口14 のAI 口02 の all くつくば国際大) 3 one ③M 2 that TO Aonm This year's fashions are quite different from ( ) of last year. 3 these 口15 ( pro 口03 の those の that 2 them 〈近畿大) 1shy のE 口04 )who would like to go ona trip should put their names on the list 3 Ones の They 2 Those の These (亜細亜大) wal erd 19 aloT ni St 口16 You 口05 My mobile phone is broken. I must buy ( ) today. JD Oit W9n d ot vs 2 that 3 this 4 one 〈福岡国際大) 口06 oTo apLojre aorga M I found these keys. Are they ( )that you lost yesterday? 0 one EXERCISE 2 ones 3 the one Jsdi 4 the ones 900 〈日本大) 口01 St 07 There are two reasons for our decision, and you know one of them. Now I' tell ( 9io S 19ddo eri D O another 1odtone (A 2 other OVす 3 the other 4 the others 口02 I m owi bejieiv I 口08 Havinga good idea is one thing. Having a successful business is ( くセンター試験) niD another 3 the others 2 other ud 2l 0uet gniggoda tnew i 4 the another TeO 910n 口09 I have five boxes here. One is full of books and ( ) are empty. 〈東京経済大) O other 3 the other ② the ones 80 JaomlA E sbens) 19vd ) 10 Yoko and I didn't know the time because ( )of us had a watch. の the others D04 〈関西学院大) の both on 2 either ③ neither の not (湘南工科大 50 New Frame 650 ロ
口13 Because that math class is very difficult, ( 口04 Some people say that exercise is good for health; g other say gthe contrary. )21(令和3) Pete has lived in London and New York, but he doesn't like ( 3TP ロ11 O either 2 neither )of them. ③ other ④ each 〈鎌倉女子大) 口12 Fortunately, ( O either )of the three school children were hurt yesterday. 2 neither 3 none ④ nobody (立命館大) nd ) the students will not do very well. くセンター。 2 almost O most of 3 every T80 more naw (松本歯科大) ) students in the classroom looked older than me. 口14 ( O Almost all the くつくは国際大 ② Almost every 3 Most of ④ Most the 〈学習院大) SO0 ) of the three girls participated in the international exchange 口15 ( program. O Every 1O口 dsumo. くセンター試験) e list. Either 3 Both の Each ) to do with my question. 口16 Your answer has ( 2 not 3 nothing lecr da ( of Vgaidoon の none ber en 〈福岡大) O no 12 (福岡国際大) 英文には誤りが1箇所ずつある。番号を指摘し,正しく直しなさい。 EXERCISE B 19rilgmoo p(neryy \ewaulovigo STR) taoM 〈日本力 口01 Studies Show that people who keep pets ,live longer than that who don't. 〈西南学院大) Now Ill apob mae, 2uuuep sle edi ds Jrdtyod (ggomy Vdi oloyoid 10t D92amicoGuper. MpeLe gpar p 口02 Ihave four sons; 2 one is a doctor, ,another is a teacher, and 。other are 3 students. 〈明海大) センター験 odtion Vayod esw bad erid D03 Almost the students 。 have joined and are actively participating in some kind of club activity. 〈学習院女子大) (東京経済 800 3 の (明海大) (関西学院大 111 Mary 湘南工科大 51 英文法強化演習 ニュー·フレイム650 代名詞
高校生 英表 英語 new frame


