
Hai kak😃
Ada yang bisa bantu aku tidak??🙏😃
Membuat cerita daily activities selama pandemi Menggunakan Bahasa Inggris

Aku butuh secepat nya kak🙏😊🤗✨



I usually wake up at five in the morning. I makemy bed and then take a bath. My mother usually asks me to go the market buying vegetables. ... After studying, I help my mother to prepare ourlunch. We have lunch at one in the afternoon. After that, I play with my handphone and sometimes, I take a nap for a while.


Saya biasanya bangun jam lima pagi. Aku membuat tempat tidurku lalu mandi. Ibu saya biasanya meminta saya pergi ke pasar untuk membeli sayuran. ... Setelah belajar, saya membantu ibu saya untuk mempersiapkan makan siang kita. Kita


Terimakasih kak sudah membantu kak🙏😃😊🤗
Dan maaf kak ada yang lain?🙏😊🤗


During this pandemic holiday, I just do activities like a normal day. I do the things that I can only do. For example, every morning at 5 o'clock I wake up to pray, then I helped my mother clean the house, after that starting at 7 I participated in online learning activities.

And as usual when it is time for me and my family to have lunch together. After lunch, i pray dzuhur, then take a nap. After entering Ashar time, I wake up from my nap then I pray Ashar and I will open the book again to understand the material that has been studied this morning during online classes.

Then, after entering Maghrib time, my family and I prayed Maghrib in congregation, as well as when I entered Isya time, I immediately prayed Isya. Then, I was with my family and I have dinner together. And I opened the book again to study or to fill in the questions so that I could better understand the material. When it enters around 9 pm, I stop all my activities and then I will sleep so that tomorrow I can retur


*I can return to my activities.


Hai kak😃
Dan maaf kak aku baru balas kak🙏😊🤗
Terimakasih sudah membantu aku kak🙏😊🤗✨


hi jugaa, noprobbb😀ur welcome


Thank You😃✨
And I hope you can help me again🙏🤗
And sorry? You can't do math?🙏😊

Kak hebat kak bisa pakai Bahasa Inggris kak😃✨✨


of course i'll help u again if i can😀
aku bisa sedikit² kok mapel mtk hehe

wkwk, kmu juga bisa kooo


Kak kelas berapa?🙏😊
Kak bisa Aljabar🙏☺
Dan maaf kak? Kak sika bikin Notes gak kak?🙏😊

Aku gak bisa kak😅😅


aku kelas 8, aljabar udh lewat lama sih hehe..aku klo mapel mtk suka belajar² ny lewat YouTube sih, lebih enak gtu penjelasannya😅kmu klo mau, search aja di LeGurules..


Klo aku tergantung kak😅
Kadang di google, kadang di youtube dan aku tanya guru untuk mapel MTK😅
Kak bisa buat notes tidak kak?
Dan oyah kak? Aku boleh tanya sama kak tidak kak?🙏😊🤗
