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Bahasa Inggris SMA

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Make a caption based on the picture with your own ideas creatively. The total of XII Students in Mentari Jaya Activity 2 Aeria Text 2 Exhi Text 1 High School for 5 years. Out Female Total "Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Don't walk behind me; Year Male No. 2017 98 107 205 1. 110 133 243 I may not lead. Just walk beside me and be my friend." 2. 2018 124 131 255 I. C 3. 2019 2020 102 98 200 4. - Albert Camus - 108 102 210 5. 2021 Text 3 An aerial view of the Pibor River flowing across the landscape between Boma and Badingilo National Parks in South Sudan on February 4th, 2020. (Source: AFP/Tony Karumba) Activity 3 National Character Answer the questions based on the captions on Task 2! 1. What kind of captions are they? 2. What does the caption of Text 1 mean? 3. What information can we get from the caption of Text 2? Communicative, creative, disciplined, hard- working, and responsible Students do the activity in a controlled way, not likely to cheat, not influenced by others, and having control over the task. Students also practice to tell about the message of some captions creatively and independently, make their own captions independently and creatively, and practice some dialogues which contain some captions with ther friends communicatively. 4. What is the purpose of the caption of the Text 3? 5. What information can we get from the caption of Text 3? Activity 4 Do the following tasks! Take a picture of an activity in your school. Present your work in front of the class. Bahasa Inggris XII

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Bahasa Inggris SMA

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meeting or exceeding sales quotas, extensive team management and team building experience, I have the ability to work effectively in a dynamic, multi-tasking environment. My self-discipline will give benefit for your company. I'm able to make decision in crucial cases. I'm certain that my Arrange the parts below to make a good application letter! A Dear Mr. Levigne, I am so interested to get opportunity for managerial position that is offered by your company in I really want to occupy this job. I would like to apply as District Sales Manager in your company. I attached my resume that explains my detailed experiences and achievements. I am very glad if I get chance to meet you for discussing my experiences further. You can contact me at (228) 678-009 for further information. C February 14th, 2019 Mr. Greg Leveigne Human Resource Manager Premium Manufacturing Industry 145, Apple Street New Orleans, LA 2445-13 D I believe that my experiences will match with your job requirements published. I have successfully worked in the sales and marketing fields for five years. I sell services to commercial, institutional, and consumer markets. Sincerely, Catrine Larasati experiences and achievements will be significant for your company. Catrine Larasati 762, Marina Street Canada, 9094 Telephone(228) 778-019 Email ID: consistently Experence, skills, and abilities that I can offer your company, include a record of and the excellent grasp of "one to one" customer relationship management concept and techniques.

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Bahasa Inggris SMA

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Earthquakes Earthquakes - being among the most deadly natural hazards- strike without any prior warning, leaving catastrophe in their wake with terrible loss of human live as well as economic loss Technically, an earthquke (also known as tremor, quake or temblor) is a kind of vibration through the earth's crust. This vibration occurs as a result of powerful movement of rocks in the earth's crust. This powerful movements trigger a rapid release of energy that create seismic waves that travel through the earth. Farthquakes are usually brief but may repeat over along period of time.(Earth Science 2001) Earthqukes are classified as large and small. Large carthquakes usually begin with sligt tremos but raoidly take form of violent shocks. The vibratio fro a large earthquake last for a few days known as aftershocks. Small earthqukes are usually slight tremors and do not cause much damage Large Earthquakes are known to take down buildings, and cause death and injury(Richter, 1935). According to some statistics, ther may be an average of 500,000 carthquakes every year but only about 100,000 can be felt and about 100 or so can cause damage each year. Earthquakes are dreaded by everyone. 21. These statements are true based on the text above about Earthquakes except a It is dangerous and deadly b. There are two kinds of it c. The cause of human lives and Economic loss d. Strike with prior warning e The small one do not cause much damage 22. This vibration occurs as a result of powerful movement. Paragraph(2) The underlined word has closest meaning to a Repeat 23 b. Happen c continue d. Quit e Explode The social function of the text is. a. To entertain the reader b. To explain how the earthquakes happen d. To give information e. To influence reader. K, To discuss about earthquqkes re-arrange the random sentences into good order. (24 -25 ) 24. 1. It cause the climate changing,the failure of crops,economic slowdown 2. Global Warming increase the temperaure of earth's atmosphere and ocean 3. There is undenied evidence that human activities have been releasing green house gas 4. However, we must keep trying to overcome this problem even for the next generation 25. 1. Bullying is a cruel and unforgiven activities that must be eradicated 2. It's victim will be inferior people, hurt in phisycally, mentality and even worse 3. We must know and realize that it is everyone's problem and responsibility 4. That's why, let's stop bullying with all our efforts for better generation. Have a good time and good lucek

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