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meeting or exceeding sales quotas, extensive team management and team building experience, I have the ability to work effectively in a dynamic, multi-tasking environment. My self-discipline will give benefit for your company. I'm able to make decision in crucial cases. I'm certain that my Arrange the parts below to make a good application letter! A Dear Mr. Levigne, I am so interested to get opportunity for managerial position that is offered by your company in I really want to occupy this job. I would like to apply as District Sales Manager in your company. I attached my resume that explains my detailed experiences and achievements. I am very glad if I get chance to meet you for discussing my experiences further. You can contact me at (228) 678-009 for further information. C February 14th, 2019 Mr. Greg Leveigne Human Resource Manager Premium Manufacturing Industry 145, Apple Street New Orleans, LA 2445-13 D I believe that my experiences will match with your job requirements published. I have successfully worked in the sales and marketing fields for five years. I sell services to commercial, institutional, and consumer markets. Sincerely, Catrine Larasati experiences and achievements will be significant for your company. Catrine Larasati 762, Marina Street Canada, 9094 Telephone(228) 778-019 Email ID: consistently Experence, skills, and abilities that I can offer your company, include a record of and the excellent grasp of "one to one" customer relationship management concept and techniques.


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