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Bahasa Inggris SMA

past tense dan present perfect tense dari nomor 22 sampai 26

s. P hy I went ble at the Fersity in rom niversity? D eekend? house. don't like Ocabulary Windi Aska 137 Setiabudhi Street Bandung 17th May, 2018 Dear Yoga, Yesterday, I received your very interesting letter. I remember I 22)... you my last letter about three months ago. Since then a lot of things happened. To begin with, I. must tell you that my uncle and aunt from America visited us last week. They 23)... in New York for ten years now and they still like it there. As a teacher of English I 24). obliged to make the most of this opportunity to speak English. I 25... so much English in such a short time. It was a good chance to practice my English. Before I forget, I 26).. a ticket for a pop concert, which will be used on next Saturday. 27).. at a concert? Well, I haven't. So, I am really looking forward to it. In the letter, you 28) me three months ago you asked me if I like my new job. Well, Yoga it is the best thing that 29)... to me in my life. Please write back soon. Warm Regards, Windi Aska 22. a. b. C. 23. Wing text is for questions number 22 to 29. a. b. C. 24. a. b. C. 25. a. b. C. d. e. 26. a. b. C. send sent has sent lives lived has lived feel felt Has feel Don't' ever speak Never speak Didn't ever speak Has never spoken Hasn't ever spoken get Did get Has just get d. e. d. e. d. e. d. e. has send have sent have lived living has felt have felt Have just got Gotten The Wright Brothers 67

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Bahasa Inggris SMA

bantu 😭

meeting or exceeding sales quotas, extensive team management and team building experience, I have the ability to work effectively in a dynamic, multi-tasking environment. My self-discipline will give benefit for your company. I'm able to make decision in crucial cases. I'm certain that my Arrange the parts below to make a good application letter! A Dear Mr. Levigne, I am so interested to get opportunity for managerial position that is offered by your company in I really want to occupy this job. I would like to apply as District Sales Manager in your company. I attached my resume that explains my detailed experiences and achievements. I am very glad if I get chance to meet you for discussing my experiences further. You can contact me at (228) 678-009 for further information. C February 14th, 2019 Mr. Greg Leveigne Human Resource Manager Premium Manufacturing Industry 145, Apple Street New Orleans, LA 2445-13 D I believe that my experiences will match with your job requirements published. I have successfully worked in the sales and marketing fields for five years. I sell services to commercial, institutional, and consumer markets. Sincerely, Catrine Larasati experiences and achievements will be significant for your company. Catrine Larasati 762, Marina Street Canada, 9094 Telephone(228) 778-019 Email ID: consistently Experence, skills, and abilities that I can offer your company, include a record of and the excellent grasp of "one to one" customer relationship management concept and techniques.

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