

明和 ET jMay Tamk youa に iM YOu Aa favoro 、 ず あいづちおをうつ 1-り4 e (Really? sc.間間 eK you 【 『 Oh, T aee. 4 しJ me W YY? RC Interesting. 5 Do YO 0 マビディ On 。 “mnる [ 〔J Pardon me? ) 人A: LeYs IGGも jr 補 くり返す 1-Dss CYg 7 OK? ーー 人At 10:307 ・" しJThe Palace Theater? eo 7 9 (JOK. Your house at Ko. 2-DS5 較 。 )う1Ti1(y 礼を言う 3-DS5 the best w 時 Thank you. つっ1think that し Thank you for the party 1-U 宇 倒成する マ 苦情を言う 2 ーー 5 J1 agree. Lt Tagree witl [My host mother alwavs giy。。 0 "8 gtves me too much food ヤ 反対する 2 2- [ 1 の They dont take me anywhere. ーー (3 RSC マ ほめる …… -* 放計する ) ・ 8 し) Sure. (Thnats a 人 Re t. MI2 OK You speak English well 隆N7 (De ず あやまる 6 前 [」Tm sorry ia 人 No 。 説明する- し) No,th: [ Its 185 meters 和 2-U2 ヤ 質問する [Thave tyo reasons. First, .… Second .… 2-Pre1 し) Are y 「 This is called a yz720777. 3-Pre1 し) Do yc his is a book 1 brought from the United States. 3-U6 し) How し) Hav 隊SSsiidn in ーー人 時 専 依頼 _口ft worked! Now 1can really enjoy my meals.。 04 還 ・ ) (1 しJCan _ 口Tve just tried some fair trade chocolate. 3J3 ワ
車し出る むり4 しJmshow you. 2-り4 の-DS2 し」 May 』 help you? 2-DS7 し ShaI 』 mhow you a mmaller one? 2-DS7 - し Do you want her to call you back? 3-DS5 す-り4 2 あ 約策する (Ne しJ4. Let's meet in front of your hotel at 10:30. Ts that OK? 1-DS5 しJAt 10:30? That's perfect. 3-DSS 写 意見を表う 2-DS5 しnm my opinion, you should keep thinking about 3-DS5 the best way to live with robots. 3-U5 | think that we should have school uniforms. 3-DS6 --U2 本成する 2-DS3 (Tagree. think so, too.| 2-学び方3 しTagree with her in part. 3-U5 Jucカ food. 反対する 9M し Tdisagree. IT dont think so.] 2-学び方3 0 ヤ 導語する し Sure. 1-DS6 イィ-U2 (J OfK. 2-LR1 屋交 [No problem. 2-DS2 難 断る 7-U8 (し TTPm sorry but T cant. 2-DS4 し No, thank you. 3-DS1 世 質問する [し JAre you Ando Saki? 1-U4 (Do you practice the guitar every day? 1-U3 (」 How many rabbits do they have? 1-U4 (Have you ever heard of “fair trade? 3-US の (Can you set the table? Could you take our picture? し May 1 speak to Meg, please? 8 本前II が 所 2 Eo PCCCCDLPYYE7 員着 - SE


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