
Question: Do you think students should clean their school dy themselves?

Yes, I do. I think student should clean their school BY themselves. I have two reasons. First, It good experience for them. In the future, when they clean them room, this experience is very useful. Second, If they use clean robot, •n. it's too much many. So, I think student should clean their school by themselves.
英語 英作文 英検


It is good experience.→it is a good experience.
It is much many.→it is much money.
(お金がかかると言いたいのでしょうか。違っていたらごめんなさいm(_ _;)m)
3行目のthemはstudents に置き換えたほうがいいと思います!
4行目のthem roomが何を指しているのかが分かりにくいかもです。
あと、最初のYes,I do.は書かなくてもいいと思います!

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