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学校といえば やっぱり対面授業ですよね。
・2行目…thanは何らかの比較級と一緒に使うので,more thanやrather than(←オススメ)にしてあげるとよいでしょう。または文の構造を変えて,Face to face classes are better than online lessons in elementary schools.などにするのもアリです。
・↑に続けて…lead toですが,「誰が」make friendsするのかなどがちょっと不足しているので,例えばThis opportunity leads students to make friends and improve their communication abilities.などとすると良いでしょう。コミュ力はlearnよりimproveなどがしっくりくる気がします!
ただ,leadだとじゃっかん堅く聞こえるので,opportunityも外して,This will(can) help students make friends and become better at communicating with others.などの書き換えも紹介しておきます。
・6行目…細かいですが,elementary "school" students。
・7行目…know that there are people who have different ideas from theirs through conversations in classなどにするとスッキリすると思います。have thinking different~だとちょっと文が崩れちゃってるので。
ただここも参考までにってなっちゃいますけど,know that their friends may have different ideas through conversations in classのようにthere areをとってfromもとっちゃうと簡潔になるかもです。←in classはあった方が文脈に沿うと思います。
・9行目…so it is better for と文が続きますが,このitが怪しいです。対面授業はここまでface-to-face classesと複数できているので,they areにするか,構文を変えると花丸です。
so it is better to have face to face classes for their healthなど。

最後にちょこっと構成のアドバイスを記しておきます。理由を2つ書く場合,Frist, / Second, と文が続くと思いますが,このファースト/セカンドの後ろにはそのパラグラフの【メインポイント】が来なければいけません。一番大事なコトってことです。「”こう”だから対面授業しか勝たん!」の「こう」にあたる部分。




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✖🟠 I think that elementary schools had better hold face-to-face classes than online lessons.

👉 "had better" is mostly used for urgent reasons, or urgent advice, in real-life situations.
✅ It will rain so you had better take an umbrella.
✅ He is really upset so you had better talk to him.

👉 "had better" contains "better", but it cannot be used as a comparison! It is a fixed construction.
✖ You had better buy oranges than lemons.
✖ You had better buy oranges than buy lemons.
✅ You had better buy oranges, rather than buy lemons.
✅ You had better buy oranges, rather than lemons.
✅ I think that elementary schools had better hold face-to-face classes, rather than online lessons.

👉 In essays it's probably better to use "should"
✅ I think that <X> should <do Y> rather than <do Z>.
✅ I think that elementary schools should hold face-to-face classes, rather than online lessons, for the following reasons.
✅ I think that elementary schools should prefer face-to-face classes over online lessons for...
✅ I think that in elementary school, face-to-face classes are better than online lessons for...


✅ First, face-to-face classes give chances to talk with others.
✅ First, face-to-face classes offer better chances to talk with others.
✅ First, face-to-face classes create/offer/provide more opportunities to talk with others.


✖✖✖ This opportunities leads to make friends and to learns communication ability.
✖✖ These opportunities lead to make friends and to learns communication ability.
👉 lead to <gerund>
🟠 These opportunities lead to making friends and to learning communication ability.
✅ These opportunities lead to making friends and to learning communication skills.
👉 lead <people> to <infinitive>
✅ These opportunities lead students to make friends and to learn communication skills.
👉 not every student makes friends
✅ These opportunities can lead/help students to make friends and to learn communication skills.


✖ It is important for elementary students to know that there are people who have thinking different from me through a conversation.

✖ to know that there are people who have thinking different from me
✅ to know that there are people who have different ideas from their own
✅ to know that there are people who think differently than they do
△ It is important for elementary students to know that there are people who have different ideas from their own through a conversation.
✅ It is important for elementary students to learn, through conversation, that there are people who have different ideas from their own.


✅ Second, students need to go outside to go to face-to-face classes, so it is better for their health than taking online lessons at home.
👉 face-to-face = in-person
✅ Second, students need to go outside to go to in-person classes, so it is better for their health than taking online lessons at home.

✅ Therefore, elementary schools should continue to give face-to-face classes as before.

✅ I hope this is helpful!
✅ If you type your essay, it's less work for me.

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