
I respectfully ask that the school board overturn the one-sided, closed-door decision to remove these eleven books, [and] to require any parent still concerned about library materials to follow the established reconsideration policy set up by this board.

[and]はto requireをaskに繋げて、ask to require.にしている認識で合っていますか?
S ask that節, and to require・・・.の形でaskとto requireが繋がっていると考えて良いのでしょうか🙇‍♀️


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"I ask that the school board overturn the decision (to...), and to require any parent (still...) to follow the policy (set...)"

This sentence is understandable, but the writing is not very good. It breaks the "rule of parallelism".

For example:
△ I ask that you come home, and to clean your room.
〇 I ask that you come home, and [I ask you] to clean your room.
〇 I ask that you come home and clean your room.
〇 I ask you to come home and to clean your room.

△ I ask that <subjunctive clause>, and <infinitive clause>.
△ I ask that board overturn the decision, and to require...

So the meaning of the sentence is:
I repectfully ask that the school board overturn the decision, and [I respectfully ask the school board] to require any parent to follow the policy."

I repectfully ask that the school board overturn the decision (too...), and [I respectfully ask the school board] to require any parent (still...) to follow the policy (set up...)."

I hope this is clear!




If it was a written text, I would say that the grammar is a bit sloppy (because a subjunctive subclause and an infinitive subclause are attached to the same instance of "I respectfully ask"). However, in spoken language it is perfectly normal that such small inconsistencies happen, especially in long sentences.


理解出来ました。回答ありがとうございます🙇‍♀️Thank you for answering my question.


You're welcome!

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