


I want to change school tule, which prohibit to use smartphone in high school. I have two reasons. First, it is efficiency to use Smartphonic when people study and have something difficult problem. For example, I have not been able to use my swartphone in my school because of my School vule. so I have often used dictionary when I want to solve difficult problem. In the result, I have taken a lot of time to do my homework. Second, it is convenience for students to contact with their family. If using of swartphone is prohibited, they are not able to inform their family when they have trouble. That's why I want to change school rule a


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・which prohibits students from using smartphonesなどに←prohibitはprevent / stop / keepなどと同じように,動詞+O+from Vingの形をとるので。
・it is efficient to...に←形容詞系を入れます。
・difficult problemsまたはsomething difficultなどに←somethingの後ろにおけるのは形容詞です!
・As a result / the resultに
・I spend a lot of time to do...またはit takes me a lot of time to do...などに←takeで時間を表す場合は,itやモノを主語に置きます!時制は,前の文と対応させるのであれば現在完了でもよいかなぁと!
・it is convenient for...に
・contact their familyに
・using smartphones is prohibitedに←ofを削除。bannedでもよいかもしれません。prohibitをすでに使っているので。
・not able to have / make contact with their familyなどに。

★rule / dictionary / problem / smartphoneは数えられるので,aやtheを付けるか複数形にすると◎


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