

■記号選択問題 ②) 次の各文が正しい内容になるように,( )内に下のアーエから最も適切なものを選んで入れなさい。 答えは記号で書くこと。 (1) My house is in () of the post office. P front across center I next (2) ( ) you tell me the way to the ABC Supermarket? 7 Does 1 Shall Would I May ) three books last week. 3) Kumi ( 7 read reads is reading 4) I went to see a doctor because I was ( 7 fine busy 5) I had some cookies ( ) by my sister. 7 make makes made ) dogs do you have? 6) How ( 7 lot 7) This T-shirt is ( 7 to (8) ( 7 See 1 Look many (11) The boys ( much (9) Does your brother ( 7 speak (10) Do you know ( 7 who (12) ( ) at the blackboard, everyone. Watch ) English? 7 play so ). difficult I sick number ) large for me to wear. too I a lot. speaks spoke ) bag it is? ✓ plays ) to music is my hobby. Listening whose who is ) tennis are my friends. playing I has read I making ) Yuko's. I lot of I Mean I spoken I whose is I are playing 7 Listen 13) I want a new bike ( 7 like ✓ such same I almost 14) I want to learn both culture ( ) history of China. 7 in but and I after 15) In the park, there were many people ( 7 who which whose (16) I ( ) that your dream to be a pianist will come true. 7 bring 1 have make I hope (17) Yumi is a good basketball player and she can ( ) play volleyball well. very also I too Hear I Hearing ) enjoyed having lunch there. I who has 17 [A] [7] ] [ウ] [21 ] ウコ [イ] (7) [イ] [I] [イ] [ウ] F FF HE ] ] [ウ] 3





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