
(2)I was…と過去形になっているのに、to get としているのはなぜですか?
(1) thingに対してa lot ofを使うのはなぜですか?manyでは誤答になりますか?

Fill in the blanks with appropriate words according to the Japanese phrases given below. POINT 1 Yesterday was my birthday. My father bought me a 11 父は私に腕時計を買ってくれた。 watch To my surprise, it is also a small computer. When I look at it, I can check the time, of course. I can also use the Internet, send an email, and even take pictures with it! /12). I was very excited to got it. 私はそれをもらってとてもわくわくした。 to get But he said, “(3) I worried that you look it long 私はきみがそれを長く見すぎるのではないかと心配だよ。 3 time (3) I'm worried you will look at it too long I think it's bad for your eyes." I understand his *concerns, so 78 AI I will not use it late, 夜遅くにはそれを使わないつもりだ e night at d 日文にない 別冊「解答解説」
3 (a) Fill in the blanks with appropriate words according to the Japanese phrases given below. Last Sunday afternoon, I bought a used book about science at a store near my house. The book was very interesting. by (1) We can learn many thing reading books (私たちは)本を読むことによって、たくさんのことを のことを学ぶことができる a lot of INT5 I think we should read various books 私たちは様々な本を読むべきだ (b) Yesterday we talked about a song for our chorus contest next month. Nick "suggested a "rather difficult song. The song was POINT 6 sung for poor people in Africa by many musicians, and (3) is known to many people in the world. 世界の多くの人々に知られています We watched the video of the song, and We were very impressed 日本語に合う 文になる に空所に な語句を補 いいんだね It それは


✨ Jawaban Terbaik ✨

I wasの部分で過去形を表しているので、他を過去にする必要はありません。
manyとa lot of はどちらでも大丈夫ですが、thingsと複数形にすることを忘れないでください。


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