
✨ Jawaban Terbaik ✨

1. I promised my teacher never to come to school late.
2. She advised him never to repeat the same mistake.
3. It was clever of him not to drive along the main street.
4. I spoke quietly (in order) not to disturb him.

[2] 関係代名詞whatの特殊用法
1. I gave the boy (what) money (I) (had)
※what(関係代名詞) money = all the money [what:関係形容詞と分類することがある]
2. (What) (with) my homework (and) club activities, I didn't have time to enjoy my summer vacation.
※what with A and B AやBの理由で
3. Reading is (to) the mind (what) food is (to) the body.
※A be to B what C be to D AのBに対する関係はCのDに対する関係と同じである
4. Her hometown is not (what) (it) (was) thirty years ago.
※what S am/is/are(現在形) 現在のS(の状態)/what S was/were/used to be(過去形) 過去のS(の状態)/what S will be(未来形) 未来のS(の状態)
5. He is a good writer and, (what's) (more), a good speaker.
※what is more/what's more その上、更に





You're welcome!😊

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