

3 Choose the best answer to fill in the bla (1) A: When do I need to register by? of とうろく B: ( ) A: OK. So any time is fine. It's too late now. It's up to you. 28 bajquip diw qu Jug give me a ride. Do you have the time? 3 Where can I ask for help? 2 You need to. 4 It's by the desk. ICON 9197 (2) Linda: ( ) „boquis sit ni hasri blo ait tein rudrabreny vin some w (2) Haround S you Adam: Sure. How can I help you? Linda: I need to go to the supermarket tomorrow. I'll appreciate it very much if Steatroo doosqe tart ni haq lut of prior no TOT enamblists aris to ogrinevhs sloot you 93191 2 Who can help me out? 4 Would do me a favor? you minor s It tastes great. maidony du mean best Danok's bevies (3) Mary: Everyone will be here soon. Judy Hey, that salad looks really good. Do you mind if I try some? Mary: ( vilevaso visinobibos (S spomini D Judy Thanks a lot. Mmm No, not at all. Go ahead. 3 Yes, I do mind. (2) 洋子へのプレゼントを買うのを手伝ってください。 Please help (me/a/buy/present / Yoko / for). (STRO 2 I have no reason. 4 Are you sure it's okay? 4 Put the words in the correct order. (1) (1) アドバイスを求められて, 私は何と言っていいか途方に暮れた. Asked for advice, I (to/a/say/was/at/loss / what). me buy a present for Yoko (3) あなたはにんにくが何によいか知っていますか. (you/ for / good/do/garlic/is/know/what)? Do you know what garlic is good for you (4) 私はおもしろければどんな本でも読みます . I (interesting / any book/ as long / will read/as it /is). will read any book as long as it 9au ahig ow) C 901fon is interesting il ton en vleesimis 35423366 (5) 政夫は少しの間友人のイヌの世話をするように頼まれました. for a Masao (his friend's dog/look/to/a/ asked/for/after/was) while. was asked to take care of his friend's dog ET TU (北海 (大阪
TEV (6) 私のアメリカ行きを両親が認めてくれるかどうかは,問題ではない. It doesn't (approve/matter/my parents/ my trip/ of / to / whether) the United States or not.. Hoy whether matter in Oh! Wens teed artt eacont my parents approve of my Trip To (武庫 miciti c (7) 本の選択にはどんなに注意しても, しすぎることはない. (choosing/your/be/in/too/cannot/careful) books. You cannot be your choosing too in careful (8) Don't (to / let/ your mother/fail / know) when you come back. I ■ 重要ポイント POINT 14 rarely never told no Molote snied esw host country for the feel goed soos voy a hon allt is donut ( bed bed (1) on potuived me p bed over ⑤ bs urity measured ned bovine bool to youleup art, this) of oldinst pw Jasigatea, 90238 solvise eastboon yea S to noidner MOTION 2015 VI 〈疑問詞+to do> how to do 「~のしかた」 例 Would you tell me how to get to the station? what to do 「何を~すべきか」 15 Lucy looked so sad that I didn't know what to say. where to do 「どこで [に] ~すべきか」 15 We have to decide where to meet tomorrow. e when to do 「いつ~すべきか」 例 Do you know when to leave here? OFIEL ⓒ which to do 「どちら[どれ]を~すべきか」 例 I haven't decided which to buy. of ber 慣用表現 boilogs ban of ava molote 260 (ルーシーはとても悲しそうだったので、私は何と言ってよいかわか and by alid (駅への行き方を教えていた (明日どこで会うか決めなけれ (いつここを出発したらよいか知っ (どちら [どれ] を買うかまだ決


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