
至急答えと なんでそうなるのか

2 する _-) 16 A B 動詞 ・ 述部に関する問題 ② ② 別冊解答 p.22~2 選択 FEAR 空所に入るもっとも適切な語(句) を選びなさい。 問題 ) his position as an ALT at the beginning of the next 1 Mr. Richard ( month. has started has been started (宮崎大) 4 will be started 3 started ) athletes 2 Mental training, such as visualization and meditation, ( over the years. 2 has been practiced by has practiced ( 慶應義塾大) 4 has been practice among 3 has been practicing 3 A: What are you going to do tomorrow? B: There's nothing particular I need to do, so I ( 1 may 3 must ) just stay at home. (北海学園大) 4 couldn't 2 can't ). (追手門学院大) A: I'm thinking about going to Hawaii during Golden Week. B: You should make a reservation ( 1 quickly as possibly as you can 3 as possibly quickly as you can 2 quickly as possibly as 4 as quickly as possible 5 The secretary had her salary ( 1 raise 2 raised ) twice a year. risen 4 rose (藤女子大) the traffic rules, but so many of them 6 All drivers are expected to ( run red lights. 1 look 2 observe (3) see 4 watch (秋田県立大) 7 After he joined the travel agency, he worked hard to improve his English in order to carry ( ) his duties more effectively. 1 away 2 back 3 off out (センター) 8 Eric's friends, Minoru and Sachiko, will be here at seven this evening. He ( ) doing his homework by then. 1 has been finished 2 has finished 3 will have finished 4 would finish (センター) 動詞述部に関する問題 ② 第4回 1 学習日 第4回 年


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