

英文 高中

想問第四題為什麼不能選C 謝謝🙏

111. 綜合測驗:15% • pose drult qi avil or salil olgooq vasi 26 have fascinated 1. of a e part lunches daily to The dabbawalas of Mumbai, i, India, have ated many people. They are boxed-lunch delivery organization that brings around 200,000 office and factory workers. Dabbawalas provide a very useful service. Since most Mumbai residents live in areas far from their jobs, it's inconvenient for them to bring their lunches on cramped public transportation. Dabbawalas always deliver the lunches the right location. They're able to do this because of their nearly-3./ operating system. collects around Each geographical area* employs around twenty-five dabbawalas, 4. 8, and details. outer delivery of 2. and to thirty lunch boxes boxes. Dabbawalas write special numbers and characters on each container's 5., they rarely lid to indicate the neighborhood, building, deliver a lunch box to the wrong place. Without a doubt, the service performed by these dabbawalas is a true model of success. el of successivo a god m' .01 (A) It wasn't mentioned in the passage. 90.87 Ji a geographical area 註: home-making (C) home-made BID 2251 (C) 1. (A) home-make eded (B) home-maki (D) making-home SD) 2. (A) at risk (C) by chance (bai (D) on time (B) & (A) classic list! (B) all the time (solo (C)(A) each of whom A (B) flawless (B) one of which (C) each of them JESSIES anoia ( handled 101 airli(D) swift (D) they all

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