

英文 高中


Dear John, dapolog 2. o I have something very difficult to tell you. There's no easy way to put it: I 1. you. It's painful to tell you this because we've had a lot of good together. You've helped me 3. new friends and discover new games, new mes. music, and new knowledge. I can 4. you anything, and you almost always know the answer. Vele Hob aid unt odi moot inovonot bad ni erw However, I'm 5. it's time for me to say goodbye. From the moment I 6., I spend nd all m my time with you. Throughout the day, I check you 7. for emails and updates. I'm so 8. spending time with you that the rest of my life has started to suffer. At school, my grades are 9. worse. At home, I 10. peak to my family members. My are starting to complain that I ignore 101) b them when we are together. Tyas friends al verlodissa riodi, notast aveus) Provinh I hope you understand why I need to leave you. It's the only way that I can WLA get my good grades back, spend more time with my family, and reconnect with my friends. There's only one thing left for me to say. Goodbye.... esmit Ils to onodqhsmesso Best wishes, Jo Sally (B) 1. (A) leave (A) 2. (A) times (7) 3. (A) making (A) 4. (A) ask B) 5.(A) satisfied (B) am leaving (C) left (B) plans (B) made abnordliw uniqmass of (C) pauses (C) makes (C) do F07504 (B) help (B) afraid 6.(A) let out 19 (B) dress up (C) wake up (D) have left (D) reflections (D) make (D) find (D) personal (D) fall asleep (C) romantic L2

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英文 國中


綜合 領域 A Different Life 生命 X 教育 ▶252 words Ken Smith, who comes from Derbyshire, England, lives a life quite different from that of all the other modern people. For the past forty years, he has lived all by himself in a hand-made cabin by a lake in the Highlands, England. The nearest road from the cabin is about a two-hour walk away. Because Ken's cabin is in a remote place, he lives without gas, electricity, or running water. He eats the fish he catches from the lake, and he grows his own vegetables. There is no bathroom in his cabin, so he takes a bath or washes his clothes in an old bath outside. 38. but he never wants to get away for a change. Why did this 74-year-old man choose to live a life like this? It has to do with something terrible that happened to him when he was 26. One night when he was out, he was attacked by a group of bad guys. He was hurt so seriously that he had to stay in hospital for weeks. Because of this, 39. And that is why he has lived in nature all himself since then. In 2019, Ken got very sick and was sent to move to town for better care, but he did not want to. He $t. wishes they could do it but nobody ever does," he said. What do you think of Ken's life story? 搶先試試看 (38A He is often hungry 推論 (B) He is tired of his life It is sometimes noisy there (D) Life there is difficult and lonely A) 39 (A) he wanted to fight for himself 推論 推論 cabin 40. (A) changed his mind Bhis life has changed for the better (C) his world took a life changing ture."他的世界發生番天覆地的變化(這人為功擊, Dhe wanted to get the help he needed PFL以高雄群所居) (B) enjoyed his new life (C) went back to his cabin (D) did not know what to do with his life Fort William. Then he was asked to 40. "It's a nice life. Everybody 39 remote electricity attack 1111

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