

英文 國中


rm 1 1 上人二 名As 3誠 jmthe summerof2013,Taiwan sadly lost0ne 加eat doetor Lin Chieb-Lia (林杰樑) Dr 上 六 sone of Taiwan's best 了還 He careq about 還aa and Was very helpful by giving tood sa 4 At / | M time toxieolney naiwan was no apopularsubjeet, 放 租 few people kmew mueh aboutit That broughtLin much 量還when he was sick. Also at thatmoment, Lin finally understood that doetors should mever aive up on bants because doctors are often patients' only hopes.。 After he got Wel be decided to study toxieology, and when he beeame adoctor he worked really Jade re 硬還es hospitals on botidays 于deheoked on batients by bhoning bestaS Sir wen gitals ofter work。 Dr Lin never stopped es about PatlentS. Also, becal medieme, his sfudies ofto, Dr rins 鐘 ne use Dr Lin had good knowledge ofboth Chinese and westerw Xieology wentwellagd saved many peopte's lives in the wowtd. aid, “One of the best thing: Saimy lle is being adoctor Yes having Dr Lin as our docfor was Taiwan's best luckever, loxicologlst 毒物原容 sartty 安全adviee 建議 inkem 點全久生 toxieology 誨物學 pau. 場蔡patient 誠人 人 32. Why did Taiwanese people need advice ftom Dr Lin? (A) There were only afew doctors im Taiwan (B) There was hot enough food to eat, (CAIotoffood in Taiwan was not Safe to eat (0D) 晤 did nof care about their health. aeebrtini Ywho [ives with patients in the hospital 9%r who doesm'ttake ceare OfFhis family. 上 who cares about his palients even im his ftee time dat Chinese medicine, toxicology help many people in other ountrles

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