

英文 高中


ne more e conflic 1. Few man-made structures are more famous than the Statue of Liberty. The noble, goddess-like face, the long, flowing Roman robe, the spiky crown, and the large tablet are all features of the ___(1)__ that people around the world can easily identify*. Another part of the statue most people recognize, _(2)____ they might not know the full story behind it, is the giant golden torch Lady Liberty holds in her right hand. When the idea for the statue was initially proposed in France, it was in fact this flame__(3) first arrived in New York City. The project organizer actually displayed it in Madison Square Park as early as 1876 (4) local funding for the project. This would help pay for the massive* base (5) the proposed figure's feet stand on, while France covered the cost of the actual statue. Eventually, efforts to raise money went__(6)__ well that the project could go ahead as planned. The entire statue could thus be completed, shipped, and assembled* within a decade, just in time for the hundredth anniversary* of America's independence (7)__Britain. A century later, Lady Liberty underwent* some renovations*, during which workers____(8)_ the old torch (8) the statue. They then installed a new one _(9)___ gold leaf on its surface. This has lit the way to (10)__ ever since. And long may it burn! identify massive assemble anniversary goddess-like 念日 undergo 經歷 renovation 翻修 (B) (1)(A) celebration (B) statue (C) globe (D) slave C) (2)(A) as soon as (B) as though (C) even though (D) not until (3)(A) when (B) that (C) what (D) who (4)(A) by collecting (B) of collection (C) in collecting (D) to collect (5)(A) that (B) who whom (D) where (C) even (D) so (C) into (D) upon (B) represented; with (C) removed; from (D) attracted; from (6)(A) also (B) such ) (7)(A) with (B) from ( ) (8)(A) celebrated; with () (9)(A) with (B)in (C) like (D) to (13) (10) (A) treatment (B) tourism (C) slavery (D) freedom them is the Statue of Liberty in the United U+C+A²=

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英文 高中


Coined in 2020, the term "revenge travel" stems from a feeling of wanting to break free from the monotonous life of lockdowns. After being confined in their homes for months due to the fear of the highly contagious disease and subsequent worldwide lockdowns, many people are more before the pandemic, It appears that now, rather than feeling afraid and worried, people are just 11. to travel even 12. lockdowns. With this mindset, the tourism ready to get back at something; the year 2020 industry has greatly bounced back right after the COVID wave starts declining. Many people want to go somewhere so eagerly as they have felt imprisoned for so long. Take India for example. Many people still go traveling out of sheer frustration and the feeling of annoyance from August to October, generally considered the off-season for travel because of unfavorable weather conditions. 13. the freedom of traveling is being celebrated, everything comes at a price. That is, revenge 14. months of lockdown, which breaks the chain of COVID-19 spread., travel has the potential to As tens of thousands of people flock to popular scenic sites, it is crucial for everyone to observe social 15. the chance to be infected will be the last thing people expect. distancing and mask wearing. Although these new norms can be quite disturbing, in the post pandemic era, people have to be prepared to change their behaviors. 11. (A) compelled A 12. (A) lost to $₁5 2 (B) ambitious (C) reluctant (D) desperate (B) occupied with (C) intended for (D) engaged in

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英文 國中


ng Thanks to weekend? bl. ep drinking bid drinking rked nths ago Bas 看圖詳答問題:每題2分,共10 分 八、閱讀測驗:每題2分,共4 五 a chef in a local restaurant a 19 Australia is famous for wheat, wool, gold, and coal. They grow food plants and raise animals, Their service industry is also very famous. These years, Australia is working hard on tourism. Its wonderful sights and animals get a large number of people to visit there every year. Because Australia is not far away from Asia, it becomes a new favorite for Asian students. If you under the age of 31, you can get a working holiday visa. With the visa, you can enjoy the life outside Asia, get different job choices, make money, and le English at the same time. U wheat 小麥 養育 service industry sights if wool coal Prow 1. What does Mark enjoy doing? America, He dog ene planting me 2. Did Eudora spend three hours studying yesterday? No, she hadet spend three how studying weiterelay - z 3. What are the Chen family planning to do? They Aplanning -2 4. Does Connie enjoy going to a concert (9) in Korea? Yes, she en concert en going in Korea 5. What did Josh begin to work as last month? waiter last month. raise tourism Also to USA D) 1. Why does Australia draw many As to a these years? (A) Because of its beautiful sight B) Because of its animals. (C) Because it has wheat, woc D) Because they don't have as a 六、依提示作答:每題3分,共 15 分

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英文 高中

42題為什麼不能選D 他說不是說任何人都不行嗎? 還有B為什麼算對? (答案是B)

第41. 至44. 題為題組 The proverb “When in Rome, do as the Romans do” may be familiar to you, but the new rules may not. Rome introduced a host of new laws in 2019 to protect and preserve the heritage of the city. Visitors and residents can now get into trouble if they violate the new regulations by doing idiotic behaviors like jumping into the city's famous Trevi Fountain or messy eating on the steps of historical monuments. Among these new rules, there's one that has got people talking: no sitting on the Spanish Steps. Made famous by the movie Roman Holiday, these steps draw large crowds of people every day. Tourists can still take photos, but anyone caught sitting down can face a fine of up to €400. Strange as it may seem, the law was made with intentions to keep the ancient city of Rome beautiful for generations to come. The new rules do not target only at the tourists, though. Some actors in tourism industry also need to be careful. One new rule forbids anyone to dress up as Roman centurions around tourist spots and charge tourists for photos. Another rule bans advertising or selling "skip the line” tickets around popular tourist attractions like the Colosseum. Local residents cannot hang laundry outside on wires across the streets and there must be no singing or playing musical instruments on public transportation. When in Rome, do as the new rules order you to do so you can protect the delicate monuments. 41. What is the main purpose of this passage? (A) To warn people against tourist traps in Rome. c(B) To protest against the implementation of new laws. (C) To introduce some of the new rules in Rome and the reasons. (D) To present the beautiful monuments and tourist sites in Rome. 42. Which of the following is FALSE? (A) People can still take selfies on the world famous Spanish Steps. (B) New rules were introduced to prevent the ancient city from being damaged by tourists. UC) Vendors cannot sell “skip the line” tickets to the Colosseum around it because of the new laws. (D) Actors cannot put on the costumes of Roman centurions around tourist sites. heritage for

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