

英文 高中

45 請問高手 1.文章說提早一小時,那為何不是選1點? 2.題目中的one second after的one second是什麼意思?

AR 苹/ 為 么 There:s a good cha lives in o RAR who is famili co o1s familiar wit e*“Sori from a Country that uses Daylrght Savi 電電 PhM呈 Spring forward, fall backe 全 潑各 yight Saving Time (DST). That expression, meant to sone hour ahead in the spri : 條說全 同 一2 sDTITg (at 2 am. in the morning), whieh which Wai ii one hour in the fall, which ends it, is a pithy reminder of including Ni 上 CKS, Seventy countries around the world completely or partiall DST AR 開 anada, the UK, some parts of South Ameriea, and New 了 d 纏呆 Re 9 pew Zealand AN Variations eX1St in the use of Daylight Saving Time and with the majority of 5 Slng Gonecan ,了| es glt the concept can be confusing, What's more, its name Can vary among regions TSh_ calling it British_S 澆 ii 4 Summer Time (BST). Essentially, the idea was first proposed begins DST, and then to St inSecfe , 匠 職 JSects, Later, in the early 1900s, William Willett pushed the idea jectes , 蟬 人 hotlon. However, in 1916, Germany implemented DST as a way to save energy during T 只全 人和 ar LT England Slmillarly made the decision to change their clocks for the same reason, and 、America did so in Mareh of 1918. Daylight saving time has caused Controversy Since it began. Some governments favor DST (Florida, for example, wants to keep that time system im place all year round), and others contemplate getting rid of it altogether. While energy-Saving has commonly been mentioned as a good reason for malntaining DST, not everyone agrees that it does, im fact, lower such costs. Those opposed to DST note that studies have shown an increased risk of heart attacks and car accldents aSSoclated with 了echanging of clocks and the loss ofan hour's sleep in Spring. Thus, its likely the debate over DST will continue for a long time. 44. Why is the phrase,“Spring forward, fall back,”cited in the first paragraph? (A) To remind people of the importance of saving time. (B) To introduce the practice of seasonal time changes. “)(C) To get people ready for the coming of spring. (D) To highlight the popularity of the DST system. 只 45. To adjust for Daylight Saving Time in spring, what time wil a clock display one second after 1:59:59 a.m.? 讓 (A) 1 a.m. (B) 2 a.m. (@ 3a00 (D) 4a.m.

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英文 大學

求救!! 誰可以告訴我該選哪個字 還有第五題 什麼單字是p開頭d結尾可以套用在上面的

am1lTauon tor SOIneODC/ 鋪 了 (A) Contemplate (B) Converse (C) Compliment (D) Complain 5. The work wasp_dout fairly. (divided and assigned) 說 3_C2hyu My 6. A person's culture can influence the way he tries to find balance im foods hec_s. (eats) | 17 Today's slightly shorter Tace could well helptot_pthe seales in his favor (give advantage to) g 8.Imust check my bankb_e. (money saved in abank account) IL Collocation, 人 1. The job applieant balanced the attractions ofahigh salary (after/about/一 against/at) the prospeet oflong working hours. 了 2. The doctor saysIhaveto go (outeon/ofpoverD adiet 3. Avoid complaining (after/atzabout/around) a bad boss or job you had before. 4. Since super tasters avoid bitter fruits and vegetables, their diets are sometimes not balaneed, which could put them (in/to/of/at) risk for certain types of cancers. 5 All people should pay attention to what they eat, but nontasters and supertasters must be 天EE aape ofthe foods they are consuming or avoiding and find other ways to make (after/before/up/down) the difference, 5 多Nadonists around the word often speak about the importance ofa 好 盡e Balance/balances/balanced/balancing) diet ion to (has/have/having/had) more taste buds, supertasters are bormn with agene that makes 崗em sensitive to bitfer food 8. Smiling shows you are (easy/easily/easygoing/ease) and enthusiastic, 本 Reading Comprehension, J ipes is called Yorkshire Pudding, which is a traditional .Iisasimple dish made with eggs, flour,and milk.。My 由 Jngs taste so good because they are light crisp, and slightly sweet.。She

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