

英文 高中

第16題為什麼不能選cd 第19題為什麼是d,逗號後面不是通常都會加ing

(B) based upon 15. (A) associated with 第16至20題為題組 Living in Taiwan, most people enjoy a stable life without having to worry about their next meal. According to statistics 16. by Taiwan People's Food Bank, 3,000 tons of perfectly good food go to waste every day. However, quite a lot of poor people in the world are starving simply because they couldn't afford groceries. Imagine food to better use and even use it to feed those in need. 17. good it would be if we could put leftover 18. York City, 19. there are people doing just that. Transfernation, an app that is mostly used in New with local businesses and transports their excess food to those people and places that need it. To do so, simply use the app to request a pickup for your extra food. The app will send people to take the food and deliver it to those in need. According to the official website of the app, its program helps 20. food waste, which is the third largest contributor to climate change. It also allows you to make contributions to your local community by donating food and helping local delivery people get paid. of robo al 16. (A) publishing v 17. (A) how 18. (A) Undoubtedly 19. (A) which works (B) published (B) what tedua (0) (B) Apparently (B) was working 9 (C) are published (C) where (C) Thankfully (C) worked (D) which published (D) whyviensqxos (A) (D) Surprisingly в 01 (D) works redwon

尚未解決 回答數: 2
數學 國中


因中途下雨, 距離為多少公 ② 44|4| Te 新圖的左到衣败一元二與坐角 -- 生活素養專區 租腳踏車 鼎甲國中舉辦了3天的畢業旅行,其中一個景點是臺東森林公 園,園區有三座湖泊,分別是琵琶湖、鷺鷥湖及活水湖,占地面積太 廣,三年甲班 28 人決定租腳踏車,精打細算的同學,決定貨比三家 不吃虧。 JENTER (2 0+1 10.171 (0.-) 10.2160 (1)若甲車行願意以每輛原價打八折出租,而乙車行願意租5輛車就1輛車不收費。若你是該班 同學,你會選擇哪一個車行較划算?請詳細解釋或完整寫出你的理由。( 兩車原價相同,皆 為公定價) 拍示蟲(1.5-)出土面平坐: (2)決定了租車車行後,發現有些同學不會騎腳踏車,腳踏車又因為安全因素無法載人,最後決 定有的人租單人的腳踏車,有的人租三人的協力車,不會騎的坐在中間,所以全班都可以一 起逛公園,最後共租了 20 輛車,其中單人的腳踏車一輛需付 120 元,三人的協力車一輛需付 260 元,總共付了 2960 元,請問三年甲班租了多少輛單人的腳踏車?多少輛三人的協力車? 辦兩)麗立健示秀(0)中,d,se (¹) 第一章 生活素養專區 閱讀素養教育議題 STATIS F(-2.0) 推呀,入寺;克保出具箱 財坐爐頭坐, ,不回示108巷16示 真: 連坐品質工首選 (61 三坐的故土邮 成真:0成第一靜坐)坐(,類:五 :田、瓜、簡中吉員,但話說(0.0) (意坐)意坐 180 MOOTA (S.) 37 咖同(id)味(通、n)調,645掌心 (E.C)K: 198 HAKANUD (5) @p@

尚未解決 回答數: 1
自然科學 大學


Problems 3-1. Explain the difference between *(a) random and systematic error. (b) constant and proportional error. *(c) absolute and relative error. (d) mean and median. *3-2. Suggest two sources of systematic error and two sources of random error in measuring the length of a 3-m table with a 1-m metal rule. 3-3. Name three types of systematic errors. *3-4. Describe at least three systematic errors that might occur while weighing a solid on an analytical balance. *3-5. Describe at least three ways in which a systematic error might occur while using a pipet to transfer a known volume of liquid. 3-6. Describe how systematic method errors may be detected. *3-7. What kind of systematic errors are detected by varying the sample size? 3-8. A method of analysis yields masses of gold that are low by 0.4 mg. Calculate the percent relative error caused by this result if the mass of gold in the sample is (a) 500 mg. (b) 250 mg. V(c) 125 mg. (d) 60 mg. 3-9. The method described in Problem 3-8 is to be used for the analysis of ores that assay about 1.2% gold. What minimum sample mass should be taken if the relative érror resulting from a 0.4-mg loss is not to exceed *(a) -0.1%? (b) -0.4%? (c) -0.8%? (d) - 1.1%? 3-10. The color change of a chemical indicator requires an overtitration of 0.03 mL. Calculate the error if the total volume of titrant is percent relative (a) 50.00 mL. (c) 25.0 mL. 3-11. A loss of 0.4 mg of Zn occurs in the course of an percent relative analysis for that element. Calculate the error due to this loss if the mass of Zn in the sample is *(b) 10.0 mL. (d) 30.0 mL. 190 (c) 188 (d) 4.52 x 103 4.63 x 103 4.53 x 10 ³ √6 *(a) 30 mg. (b) 100 mg. *(c) 300 mg. (d) 500 mg. 3-12. Find the mean and median of each of the following sets of data. Determine the deviation from the mean for each data point within the sets, and find the mean devi- Vation for each set. Use a spreadsheet if it is convenient. *(a) 0.0110 0.0105 (b) 24.53 0.0104 24.68 24.81 24.77 39.61 862 (f) 850 MA 3-13. Challenge Problem: Richards and W the molar mass of lithium and colle data. 24.73 Experiment 1 2 3 4 5 6 194 447 X 10 7 448 X 107 4.58 X 10 (a) Find the mean molar t workers. (b) Find the median molar ma (c) Assuming that the cam molar mass of lithium is the absolute ertor and of the mean value demi Willard. (d) Find in the chemical ues for the molar mus since 1910, and ag a table or spreadshera 1817 given in the a Richards and Willd. Com mass versus year to la of lithium has chang Suggest possible abruptly about 18 ant de (e) The incredibly deals Richards and W that major changes will occur. Disc calculation in pat (f) What factors ha since 1910? (g) How would you mass? 6See Chapter 2 of Applications of Microsoft Excel in Analytical Chemistry, 4th ed., for information about statistical 7T. W. Richards and H. H. Willard, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1910, 32, 4, DOI: 10.1021/ja01919a002. built-in statistical functions. "Answers are provided at the end of the book for questions and problems marked with an asterisk The I of ₂ or inc rce of able vas error c often in individu ate resul data in rtainties. dimensio andom e analysts The result

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