

英文 國中


B (28-30) B 2⁹. In modern times, there is noise pollution everywhere. There are noises from cars, buses, machines, and many other things. Loud noises are bad for our health. They can lead to health problems like headaches, sleep loss, or hearing loss. Of all the health problems, hearing loss is the most common and serious. Remember, once hearing is totally lost, there is nothing we can do about it. Noise pollution also has something to do with children's poor schoolwork. Studies show kids who learn in noisy areas will probably have more trouble with reading and language skills. A new study in 2022 also shows noisy roads near schools could make it harder for kids to learn. To better kids' learning, we should cut down on noise in or around school areas. It is also important to reduce noise pollution at home. There are some easy ways to do it. For example, close the windows when it is noisy outside and open them only during quieter times of the day. In the house, be sure to turn down the radio, music from games, or the TV. A quieter living place will make all family members comfortable and happy. Noise pollution is a serious problem. We cannot be too careful about it. pollution # loss skill reduce 28. Here are three important points in the reading: JHS a. Why noise pollution is bad for learning b. What are the possible ways to reduce noise in the house c. How noise pollution can hurt our health How are they ordered in the reading? (A) a b→c. (B) c-a-b. cab (C) c→b→a. (D) b-a-c. 29. What does it mean at the end of the first paragraph? (A) Bad health. (B) Hearing loss. (C) Noise pollution. (D) The sleep problem. 30. What can we infer about noise pollution from the reading? (A) It is getting more and more serious. (Bt kills thousands of people each year. (C) Reducing road traffic does students good. \(D) Living around noise makes people get angry easily. 文排题库 9 (111903-E) order # paragraph infer 推論

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英文 高中


BALO C 共7頁 Two professors at the University of California at Berkeley hoped to find out the answer. They investigated a pool of 12,000 Japanese men equally divided into three groups: One group had lived in Japan for all their lives, and the other two groups had emigrated to Hawaii or Northern California. It was found that the rate of heart disease among Japanese men increased five times in California and about half of that for those in Hawaii. The study shows that the need to bond with a social group is so fundamental to humans that it remains the key determinant of whether we stay healthy or get ill, even whether we live or die. We need to feel part of something bigger to thrive. We need to belong, not online, but in the real world of nugs, hangsmants, and pats un the back. What is the best title of this passage? (A) Heart Diseases and Their Causes (C) Differences in Japanese Americans Which of the following is a finding of the two American professors' study? (A) Many Japanese men that lived up to 100 years were smokers. (B) Those who often ate hamburgers and fries were more likely to fall sick. (C) Japanese immigrants to America usually formed a tight-knit community. (D) Westernized social life was related to the heart-attack rate of Japanese Americans. Which of the following is an example of "something bigger" in the last paragraph? (A) A family t (B) A stadium. (C) The universe. ACK! 103 年指考 英文考科 The differences could not be explained by any of the usual risk factors for heart disease, such as smoking, high blood pressure, or cholesterol counts. The change in diet, from sushi to hamburgers and fries, was also not related to the rise in heart disease. However, the kind of society they had created for themselves in their new home country was. The most traditional group of Japanese Americans, who maintained/tight-knit and mutually supportive social groups, had a heart-attack rate as low as their fellow Japanese back home. But those who had adopted the more isolated Western lifestyle increased their heart-attack incidence by three to five times. (B) The Power of Social Connection (D) The Sense of Belonging vs. Isolation The digital world.

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英文 高中


in 3 S a ve ying fertilizer," bees are an essential part of our ecosystem. Numerous and other bugs that spread pollen. Though it may sound far-fetched, bees are indeed However, bees around the world have been i 2 closely related to 1 in large numbers since the 1970s. Human activity has negatively impacted natural habitats of many species, one of them the natural habitat of bees.ap aretoanothid@gy and - Yet the alarming rate in 3 bees are disappearing suggests an even more severe crisis the Earth is going through, namely, ecological imbalance. When a healthy biodiversity is compromised, the delicate balance of nature will be upset thus putting more and more species 2 extinction. They do 4 electri Amish homes havbild and managed are essential P bees that ensure the reproduction of thousands of wild plant species and 85% of all cultivated crops. The 5 in wild bee populations might follow, or even be more pronounced than that in insect populations. e forcinga mich c Then, many animal populations are faced with the problem of decreasing drastically. in and the Mog of the uniquen ABO (B) earth origins These 1 (A) human survival becom source of Torino (C) artificial intelligence lizzo moi (D) social morality nodis A facities are gradually gover 2 (A) dying off (B) paying out noia (C) turning down blo anlands (D) calling back and Q3 A) Amish ause of Tener Monique (B) whose yldizzd (C) what (D) at which om OS B ms. (D) in terms of w 4 (A) in charge of 122 (B) at risk of dur (C) on grounds of us (B) greed 5 (A) trauma ban (C) decline (D) format ghol of the many endangered species. They have that

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英文 國中


子吃。 是一座 包月的 三代 的島 ** -招号 Firen 25. What does Zack mean when he says. "It's not rocket science"? (A) Finishing a science report is easy. (B) Deciding on a gift is not that difficult. (C) He is smarter than Shelly and Karen. (D) Getting some good sleep is very important. (26~28) EJReading Listen to Books Are your eyes tired after you work in front of the computer for hours? Do you want to read, but your eyes really need a rest? Don't worry. We read for you. A book on EJReading only costs 3 to 15 dollars, and you can listen to it as many times as you want. What's more, with EJReading, you don't need to carry a book around. You can listen to different audiobooks anytime and anywhere on your cellphone. Book of the Month For this book, there are 4 choices: Michael Davis Michael Davis reads the story word by word in a warm voice. Ann Lee Ann Lee reads the story vividly. It's like you're $3.99 watching a movie when you listen to her. James Williams James Williams tells you the key points of each chapter and helps you get the big picture of the Word by Word Behind the Word The Trip to Lucerne By Lewis Anderson (2015) -Lewis Anderson's most famous book. -A book to change your life story. Kate Green Through looking at each character closely and explaining their actions, Kate Green helps us take a deeper look into the story. She also shares her opinions of the story with us. $3.99 $6.99 $8.99 1 : : ABOD * $10 for a Word by Word and a Behind the Word. * Place your order by June 30 to get a $5 gift card. ABOD audiobook character # vividly 1 chapter opinion & 26. Who would most likely use EJReading? likely T (A) Jessica. She is a teacher. She loves reading and often goes to the library. (B) Mandy. She is a student. She studies hard, but she hates reading in her free time. (C) Mike. He is an engineer. He loves reading, but his eyes are too tired after work. (D) Ethan. He is a cook. He enjoys listening to different songs when he's at work. ABCD 27. What CAN'T we learn from the web page of EJReading? web page (A) There are about 10,000 audiobooks for people to choose from on EJReading. (B) It costs less than 5 dollars to listen to Ann Lee read The Trip to Lucerne. (C) The Trip to Lucerne is Lewis Anderson's most famous book. (D) If you want to listen to someone share his / her ideas about The Trip to Lucerne, you can pick Kate Green. 28. Nancy read The Trip to Lucerne after it was on the market in 2015. In a study group next Saturday, she wants to share her thoughts on the story with everyone. However, although she really loves the story, she still forgets some parts of it She doesn't need to listen to every word again, and she already has her own ideas about the story.) To help herself remember the important points in some chapters in a short time, which might she choose? thought (A) Word by Word-Michael Davis. (B) Word by Word-Ann Lee. (C) Behind the Word-James Williams. (D) Behind the Word-Kate Green. cup of life

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英文 高中


41-44題為題組 Dognition will help you learn more about your dog's cognitive traits. It offers an online test Is your dog an Einstein or a Charmer? For US $60, a recently-founded company called telling you about the brain behind the bark. Dognition's test measures a dog's intellect in several aspects-from empathy to memory to reasoning skills/ But don't expect it to measure your pet's IQ.) Dr. Hare, one of the venture's co- founders, says a dog's intelligence can't be described with a single number. Just as humans have a wide range of intelligences, so do dogs. The question is what type your dog relies on more. After you plunk your money down, Dognition's website will take you through a questionnaire about your dog: For example, how excited does your dog get around other dogs, or children? Do fireworks scare your pup? Then, Dognition guides you through tests that are as fun as playing fetch or hide-and-seek. At the end, you get a report of your dog's cognitive profile. Your dog could fall into one of nine categories: Ace, Stargazer, Maverick, Charmer, Socialite, Protodog, Einstein, Expert, or Renaissance Dog. That can give you something to brag about on Dognition's Facebook page. It also can shed new light on why dogs do the things they do. For example, a Charmer is a dog that trusts you so much that it would prefer to solve problems using information you give it rather than information it can get with its own eyes. Dognition helps people understand their dogs in ways that they have never been able to do. This new understanding can enrich the relationship between dogs and their owners. B 41 What is the third paragraph mainly about? (A) The theory behind the questionnaire used in the Dognition test. (B) The procedure for evaluating a dog's intellect on Dognition. D The products one can get by paying a fee to Dognition. (D) The characteristics of the activities Dognition offers. 又 42. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true? (A) Different dogs display strengths in different intelligences. BA dog's cognitive profile is composed of nine cognitive skills. The purpose of Dognition's testing is to control a dog's behavior. (D) A dog's intelligence can be ranked based on the score of a Dognition's test. K 43. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word "venture" in the second paragraph (B) Risky attempt. (D) New business. (A) Creative measurement. 53% (C) Non-profit organization. 569 29 xyzcd.

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