

英文 高中

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也elr owners notice 負em, 也ey will lead them to the source ofthe sound. Both of 歸ese types of service dogs keep their owners safe by taking notice of the environment for 甸em. The two of them act as 也eir eyes and ears. _33. Since living with disabilities can be alonely experlience, service dogs can Serve as loving assistants, while giving their owners the independence to live afuland meaningful lfe at 也e same time. 2 S9 全 YI 混合題 : 1I% How Do Seents Trigger* Emotion and Memory? When it comes to scents of herbs*, you may fhink of afamous quote from 五dz/ef by William Shakespeare: “There”s rosemary, 了at”s for remembrance; pray, love, remermber.”Indeed, fhe power @f Scenfs has had a major effect on human history. You may know 了at the human brain can tell 10 frlion scents and 人e cells for smelling will renew 也emselves every 30 to 60 days. Also, women have apbeffer sense of smeJ 了an men. As the oldest and most powerful sense, simell triggers emotion and Inemory. 本he olfactory bulbs*, 仙e origlnal unlts 也at process Smells, are located at the bottom ot the prain. They have direct connections to two other brain areas, and these two areas are closely related wifh emofion and memory. No other senses can reach the connection, making the sense of smell the most Successful one for triggering emotlion and memory. 註:frigger 誘發 herb 草藥 “olfactory bulbs 嗅球,為觸發嗅覺的單位

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