

英文 大學

哪一個段落沒有主題句? 我覺得是第一個,對嗎? 要怎麼替這個段落寫出主題句呢?

2 Despite different home cultures and countries, international students' main overall motivation is the desire get out on their own, to carve out a new direction in their lives. "Foreign students" do not casually abandon the comforts of family and cultural ties; they have done their homework on Canadian schools. All their preparation, though, cannot prepare them for the loneliness and ongoing difficul- ties they face, from cold winters to financial issues related to the higher tuition fees they must pay. Some students, though, emigrate to escape those same tight- knit families and bonds that others find so painful to leave behind. A Macleans "On Campus" report notes that family expectations may be opposed to students' visions for themselves and lead them to reject accepted values and career paths in their hometowns and countries. Csilla, a web-design student at Waterloo admits, "I was always supposed to enter my family's restaurant business in Budapest, but I felt suf- focated even working part-time as a server. Web design is my passion, and I wanted 12: CAUSE OR EFFECT [- a completely fresh start, something that is completely my own ("International Stu- dents"). Finding independent paths to their own dreams is the key here, whether students choose those paths as a result of personal ideals or as a reaction to pre-set future plans.

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英文 國中


C40. D D (40-43) king 40 Long time ago, on Pig Land, there was a king pig, who ruled hundreds of sheep. The and he could make the sheep do anything he wanted them to do at any time. For example, he made them clean his big castle, take care of his farms, and cook for his family and relatives and his soldiers every day. Sometimes he ordered them to make clothes in the middle of the night. Although the sheep worked very hard for the king, 41 Their houses were small and dirty. What's more, he gave them little to eat. Most of the sheep were thin and weak because they were hungry all the time. Since they had to work from day to night, they were all tired out and unhappy. One day, the king thought to himself. "I'm the king, but I can't make the sheep like me. They never smile in front of me. 42 they stay as far from me as possible. I must try my best to win their heart." The next day, the king had a very old sheep come to him. He said to the sheep, "They say you're the wisest sheep on my land. I don't know why no sheep likes me. What should I do?" The old sheep answered, "My dearest king, it's easy. you do it, they'll be more friendly to you." 43 If From then on, the king did not have the sheep work more than eight hours a day or late at night. He gave them bigger houses and better food. Little by little, the sheep began to love the king pig from the bottom of their heart. The king's land became one of the happiest countries in the world. (A) was kind (B) was very brave (C) had great power (D) knew the art of loving 41. (A) they thanked him deeply (B) they fought for better lives (C) the king lived a terrible life (D) the king did not treat them well 42. (A) In fact (B) Even so (C) However (D) At first 43. (A) Not all sheep are the same (B) Keep your eye on the sheep (C) Give the sheep a lesson, and they'll learn (D) Treat the sheep the way you'd like to be treated 1111 15 英語閱讀

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英文 高中


pi ca 、綜合測驗 yox.bobanget done, beinios Of all the festivals in Mexico, the Day of the Dead is one of the most special because it displays the distinct aspects of Mexican culture. This holiday_1_____ the first two days of November. It is a time for family members, relatives and friends (It 24/0 JUnli to remember those who have died and to pray for their rested souls. 51 01 (C) Festival in Taiwan, which is a serious event, the Day of the Dead is usually 3 goibnutor (3) bruten (8) bobnuts WSI (8) a celebration, with food, color and even fun, and this has much to do with Mexico's 101 199920 (0) boot nonibbr attitude toward death as well as its vibrant culture. queguiling tu modern It is believed that the dead are more likely to come and visit the living on the Day of the Dead. As a result, the celebration of this special day the celebration of this special day 4 peop Sumo Su MLADO The people making altars for their loved ones who have died, and bring food, candy and drinks to the altars to welcome the dead. Moreover, these treats, often made 5 skeletons and skulls, are supposed to make the dead want to stop by. For Mexicans, death is a part of life, 0087 D92290W ( Wonde HODESOLA 29ilgqua and even in mourning, it is essential for them to enjoy time with friends and family. en toe Dontions A Cible que (B) makes out 1 (A) falls ona (D) takes in (B) still (D) alone 2 (A) well ashore, (A) less than The U 3 (C) nothing but (D) all that (C) allows P2 (D) involves c (C) on behalf of li (D) in place of t 646 de CA to c (B) more of (B) consists o 5 (A) for the sake of (B) in the form of une fon bol DX4 (A) demands B PONUTEN R Cynolo 180J or brings up (c) alike Unlike the Ghost ved (A) 20

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